Aggressive Tetra


New Member
Oct 25, 2006
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I recently purchased 5 neon tetras which are doing fine. I only have a 25 gallon tank and intend only having neon tetras. I did a fishless cycle on the tank first.

Over the last day or two though I have noticed one of the tetras is acting very aggressive to the other tetras. The others are now hiding at the back of the tank, whilst the aggressive one is hanging out near the front. If they venture out he scares them off.

Would putting in another 2 or 3 tetras calm the aggressive fish down. At first they did shoal together.

Any advice much appreciated
I recently purchased 5 neon tetras which are doing fine. I only have a 25 gallon tank and intend only having neon tetras. I did a fishless cycle on the tank first.

Over the last day or two though I have noticed one of the tetras is acting very aggressive to the other tetras. The others are now hiding at the back of the tank, whilst the aggressive one is hanging out near the front. If they venture out he scares them off.

Would putting in another 2 or 3 tetras calm the aggressive fish down. At first they did shoal together.

Any advice much appreciated

I am having the same problems, one died on the 1st day that I introduced them too, they are still squabbling and won't school either.

I am thinking about adding 2 more.
we used to have neons but now have cardinal tetras whos behaviour is very similar to the neons. it is normal for one of these little fish to be the dominant boss who will chase all the others away from his little patch of the tank. ours can often be seen having little scraps where they will flick back & forth at eachother ( our rummy nose tetras behave the same way) its natural behaviour so dont worry. also small tetras such as neons,cardinals & rummys will often not shoal together when they feel safe in their environment this is also normal behaviour - it means your fish are happy. our cardinals & rummys often spend all day apart in their own little patch & will only shoal when the lights go off or if im messing around by sticking my hand in the tank to plant or something. they will aslo all settle down eventually & you will probably find some of the scaredy neons also claiming their own little patch of the tank
theyre fine dont worry about them :nod:
we used to have neons but now have cardinal tetras whos behaviour is very similar to the neons. it is normal for one of these little fish to be the dominant boss who will chase all the others away from his little patch of the tank. ours can often be seen having little scraps where they will flick back & forth at eachother ( our rummy nose tetras behave the same way) its natural behaviour so dont worry. also small tetras such as neons,cardinals & rummys will often not shoal together when they feel safe in their environment this is also normal behaviour - it means your fish are happy. our cardinals & rummys often spend all day apart in their own little patch & will only shoal when the lights go off or if im messing around by sticking my hand in the tank to plant or something. they will aslo all settle down eventually & you will probably find some of the scaredy neons also claiming their own little patch of the tank
theyre fine dont worry about them :nod:

Thanks - my g/f has glowlights and they are forever fighting. Its a shame because they look great when schooling in the tank. Mine constantly fight which isn't very attractive although they are settling down a little.
Newly introduced groups of almost all fish will squabble amongst themselves for a while, sometimes hours, sometimes days or longer, to establish the pecking order in the new accomodation. Rarely does it cause any harm.
Newly introduced groups of almost all fish will squabble amongst themselves for a while, sometimes hours, sometimes days or longer, to establish the pecking order in the new accomodation. Rarely does it cause any harm.

Well that's two dead now, only 4 to go. They seemed to have stopped fighting so much now but not sure if I should replace them or not.

Done a water check and everything is zero!

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