Pfk Stocking Guide

I have 5 pygmy corys, 10 shrimp, 4 ottos and 1 dwarf rasbora(but gonna at another half dozen or so) in my 8gal heavily planted nano tank with no problems at all.

Wow - so what water parameters are your oto's in?

My LFS will only sell Oto's if you have RO water?!?!?!

Soft slightly acidic water, they are generally easy fish to care for provided they are acclimatised well and you get good stock.Mine have lived in another tank for ages and are now just settling into my nano.

ok cool - I have hard alkaline water, I best stick with my shrimps!
Any 2 of those three would work well. I don't think that there's a huge problem in the PFK nano as long as it is well maintained. (Little and often!)

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