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    Gambling in LFS

    being unemployed was what caused me to take up the hobby of fish keeping! :)
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    Sounds like you had quite an experience dragonfish. Hope everything is ok. Anyways does anyone k now if its true that you're not supposed to keep the same sand in a tank for longer than 3 years? I believe I heard someone mention that on this forum before, although I don't recall where. Sounds...
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    Any difference between SW & FW tests?

    Hmm all the test kits I have from AP (ph, ammonia, nitrite) say they can be used for either FW or SW. The ammonia has 2 different color cards for FW and SW though.
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    My "senior" photos

    Before coming to this forum I had the misconception that only weirdos and ugly people liked fishes. I have to say, I've been proven wrong again and again. So many good looking ladies that love fish. I got into the right hobby :hey:
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    What does everyone use as a background

    As the topic says what do you use for a background for your tank? I've heard construction paper but I'd think from up close you would see the seams. I assume most of you make backgrounds seeing as how the only ones I see for sale are for small 10-20 gal tanks.
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    Blue background...

    I really like your gravels. Where did you get them? I just bought 50 pounds of gravel from Lowes but now I'm thinking its way too light :lol: Beautiful tank btw. I'm jealous :P
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    My Tank

    I'd give it a TOTM. You all make my tank look so ugly. I can't wait till I get my 20 so I can rearrange my 10.
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    What do you think of these gravels?

    Heh I just keep my room temperature controlled. My space heater is programmed for 76 in the winter and my air conditioner is programmed for 74 in the summer. Can't go wrong with that I don't think? BTW thanks for the comments on my little betta tank but what I'm really wondering is will these...
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    What do you think of these gravels?

    Its in the landscaping section at Lowes. I went to Home Depot but all they had were very large sized gravels. They were out of river pebbles which I think would have been better, but seeing as how it wasn't there I didn't get to look at it :) Either of those places has really cheap gravel if you...
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    What do you think of these gravels?

    Arashi I like the looks of your tank! What size is it? I think I'll give it a try in my 10 gallon, and 20 gallon I'm getting this week. I got plenty of gravel to go around :lol: about 49 pounds left. The problem is its so hard to clean :( Its landscaping pea gravel from lowes so theres a lot of...
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    What do you think of these gravels?

    heh the blue gravels are in my 10 gallon, The gravel that was in my bettas tank previously were hideous rainbow colored. They looked horrible :( I only used them because they were free.
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    What do you think of these gravels?

    I bought these gravels cuz they were cheap as hell ($3 exactly for 50 pounds) and I wanted to change the gravel in my 10 gal tank. The gravel in there now is bright blue which I really don't like anymore. Now that I tried the new gravel in my betta's tank to see what they look like I'm begining...
  13. bettatank.jpg


  14. S

    Bloody 10 gallon won't cycle

    Nitrites are about .12 I'm guessing. Its not .25 but theres defintely a change from 0. I don't have a nitrAtes test kit. The petco and lfs near my don't have any. I should have bought one when I see it at petsmart in sterling (2 hours away) but I didn't have money at the time. The temp is 84 F...
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    Bloody 10 gallon won't cycle

    Know I got this tank before I joined this forum and being a newbie I immediate popped some fish in there. Its the 10 gal in my sig btw. I've even added a handful of gravel from a cycled tank. I still have very high ammonia every time I check. I'm almost getting a lot of brown algae now. Argh...
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    Bloody 10 gallon won't cycle

    I've posted about this before and now I'm posting again. My 10 gallon has been up 2 months and it still hasn't even STARTED to cycle. I test and change the water every 3 days. It usually tests about 3.0 ppm ammonia (super high I know) and I change about 30% of the water. When I do the change I...
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    Non-agressive Bettas?

    I thought the short tailed varietys were usually MORE aggressive *shrugs*
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    Can't get Nitrites under control

    Well both of your tanks are a little overstocked imo. That can't be helping. Maybe you could try adding something from the cycled tank like some gravel, an ornament or filter media to help the 12 finish its cycle.
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    Acidic pH

    If the spring water was distilled that could be the problem. Distilled water has nothing in it to buffer the ph so you can have rapid ph swings.
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    Eclipse 12 problems

    Rinsing the bio wheel probably isn't a good idea if you use town water and you want to keep the bacteria because the chlorine or chloramine in town water will kill the beneficial bacteria. If you have town water you can just kind of swish it around in some old tank water when you do a water change.
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    brine shrimp hatchery

    Where do you get brine shrimp eggs? also does anyone have a link to a guide on how to do this?
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    Fish Trixks

    lol thats interesting. How exactly are you "training" them to do that.
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    ammonia, nitrite and nitrate

    The dropper test kits are a lot cheaper and you get a lot more. I use the ones from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals as a lot of people do. They're cheap and pretty good its just sometimes the color you get in your tube doesn't match exactly whats on the card and its hard to tell.
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    What am I gonna do with this thing

    lol yeah no flowers for me. I think using it for salt baths wasn't a bad idea but with any luck my fish won't get sick and need any salt baths. I like the idea of raising brine shrimp to feed to my fishes but I have no idea how and I assume I'd have to keep purchasing the brine shrimp eggs...
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    My blue betta died

    My GF had 3 bettas die from some super fungus. From the first time they showed symptons it only took about 36 hours before they died. Seems like you put up a good effort though. Sorry to hear about you losing your betta :byebye:
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    Using tank water on houseplants

    What about water from a new (uncycled) tank? I wouldn't think ammonia would be too good for plants but I suppose its in cow poop and other stuff they use for fertilizers?
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    What am I gonna do with this thing

    I got this little thing from Petco thats like a critter creeper. I had a coupon and got it for free cuz I thought maybe I could use it but now I'm begining to wonder. The dimensions I read on the website were a lot bigger than what it actually is. Its 4" tall, 6" in length, and 3" deep so its...
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    omg people are stupid

    Have you ever noticed the little tags at places like petco that give info about the species its always in the smallest print Adult Size: 12" when it should really read Adult Size: 12" AKA too big for a goldfish bowl in case you're ignorant :/
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    List Of Gouramis

    How about some info on sexing gouramis? I've been debating buying a dwarf or two :)
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    Dwarf Gourami

    As long as you got some filtration in the 5 you should be fine. Dwarf gourami 2" plus whats a guppy about 1.5"? I think you'll be fine but when the gourami gets a little bigger he might want more territory and the guppy would be a good snack :)
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    Snails for keeping tank clean?

    Clean your tank? I think they could EAT your tank lol.
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    what to do

    Gouramis are cool :) Theres several smaller kinds that would be suitable for a 10 like Dwarfs and Red Honey Gouramis. I'm sure 55GD will jump in on this and suggest some if he sees it :)
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    New computer....

    :rofl: :rofl: Mine's on 22's, spinners to be exact. Its got a no2 boost too :P
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    The coolest Thing you Own

    What about groundhogs? They may not be dangerous but would you want your source of income, your living, to be destroyed by an animal. Where I live theres a lot of farms including my grandparents and ground hogs are a real nuissance. I think its justified to shoot them. More humane than to say...
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    Nice looking little guy you got there. It looks almost exactly like mine except yours has a little more red on the ventral (is that the right word?) fin. Scary enough I have the same gravel in my bettas tank. I'm unemployed until may 10 so I had to take what I could get which was free ugly gravel :P
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    check out these freaking hilarious pics

    lol I thought this was funny.
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    glass top

    I'm getting a 20 long this weekend but it needs a hood. Some of them are rather expensive so I thought what if I just take a peice of glass and use a glass cutter to cut a peice to fit. I'd leave a little room in the back for the AQ 200 I'm going to get and I'd cut a 3-4" section off the front...
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    New computer....

    How do you all afford fish tanks AND custom computer cases :P