What do you think of these gravels?


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
I bought these gravels cuz they were cheap as hell ($3 exactly for 50 pounds) and I wanted to change the gravel in my 10 gal tank. The gravel in there now is bright blue which I really don't like anymore. Now that I tried the new gravel in my betta's tank to see what they look like I'm begining to wonder. They're awfully light =\ So I was wondering what your alls opinion was on it.


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heh the blue gravels are in my 10 gallon, The gravel that was in my bettas tank previously were hideous rainbow colored. They looked horrible :( I only used them because they were free.
I like the lighter colored gravel. I have about the same looking stuff in my 25 gallon. I find that it helps to make the fishies colors stand out more, and it's not such an obtrusive color. Here's a pic of my tank so you can see what the gravel looks like in a larger tank.

Arashi I like the looks of your tank! What size is it? I think I'll give it a try in my 10 gallon, and 20 gallon I'm getting this week. I got plenty of gravel to go around :lol: about 49 pounds left. The problem is its so hard to clean :( Its landscaping pea gravel from lowes so theres a lot of dirt in it.
Thanks Stan! :) It's a 25 gallon tank, and it's dimensions are 24" long, 16" tall, and 12" wide.

Good luck with the cleaning of your gravel...sounds like your gonna need it. :/
It all depends on what you're going for, I guess.

I'd suggest dark colors for dark fish because they feel more at home because their colors don't stand out as much. Stressed fish quickly become sick fish. :dunno: Also, bottom feeders try to blend in to the gravel, so they will get lighter colors.

Large grained gravel means more food that'll be caught between the stones, but if you clean the tank thoroughly it shouldn't be too bad.

Good job of finding cheap equipment. :D :cool:
I think it looks very nice. How did you find 50lbs for $3?!?!?!

I have the same triangle tank and right now it has black and purple gravel :crazy:
I love how it looks! Right now I have white gravel in my 55 gallon, and I wish I had gone more neutral. I just changed my 30 gallon from hideous light and dark blue gravel to black and tan sand, my bettas tank had white gravel, but now I am changing it to black since it will be a new occupant.
I Like it, makes the Beta more Prominent.

I just got some Black Granulite for My bettas and they Love it so Far.
Auratus said:
I think it looks very nice. How did you find 50lbs for $3?!?!?!

I have the same triangle tank and right now it has black and purple gravel :crazy:
Its in the landscaping section at Lowes. I went to Home Depot but all they had were very large sized gravels. They were out of river pebbles which I think would have been better, but seeing as how it wasn't there I didn't get to look at it :) Either of those places has really cheap gravel if you can find some you like though.
We have an osh and a miner's. Home deopt is a 30 minute drive. Maybe I'll look for something when I'm in that part of town.
Is it always white or gray? Ever any dark colors? It'd sure beat the $25 dollars I paid for the horrible white gravel I've got at home.
looks great.

I think coloured gravel looks quite taccy unless the tank is themed properly.

And as said, you can see your fish much more clearly, as well as the algae build up on the gravel.


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