brine shrimp hatchery


Fish Herder
Sep 19, 2003
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Clinton,Tennessee, U.S.A.
ive been thinking of doing a rine shrimp hatchery setup to feed my clownfish, and firefish goby(ive heard its good for them) ive made a design on paint from things ive read on this forum and others. Tell me what u think and if u think i need any midifications.
Befor turning on air pump do i let eggs float to the bottom?
Temp: 80-82° F
Light: 60 watt lamp bulb
pH: 8.0 or higher
Salinity: 25 parts per thousand (ppt) salt solution or approximately 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of salt per quart (or liter) of water. This equates to around 1.018 specific gravity as measured with a hydrometer (Use marine salt or solar salt).
Stocking Density: gram per liter or quart or approximately 1/2 level teaspoon of cysts per quart.
tell me what u think
Ya know....I've read and read about hatching brine and it really seemed like some sort of mad science. It's actually very simple (I have to have freshly hatched brine daily to feed betta fry), I just use a pickle jar and a cut coke bottle (only smaller,like 1 liter) turned upside down with a slot on the top for the hosing.

I had/have one similar to the set up that you have....biggest problem is that when you turn off the aerator to collect the brine...they will instantly travel down the hose,I've ruined three aerators because of this and I've also had it leak out all over my kitchen when I wasn't looking,that's why I prefer to put the tube in at the top and shove it down so that the air blows in a downward fashion,tumbling the eggs. I'll post a pic if you'd like. I keep 2 or 3 running in intervals so that I always have some hatching.

Lights not as important as they say, mine just stays in the kitchen with the overhead lighting during the day, and the kitchen night light at night. I've had no problems.I do use a desk lamp for collecting the BBS. I've also discovered that the salinity mumbo jumbo is more for growing the shrimp (usually done in a larger tank) they'll hatch in water that has about 3/4 cup of salt to a gallon. I think the PH is more for growing too,my ph is 7.6 and problems with hatching. Does your house temperature stay pretty warm? Mine hatch at room temp which is usually around 80. I've found that decapsulating the eggs makes them less buoyant so they don't stick to the sides as much and decapsulating also kills a lot of bacteria.
Yeah, I've got very much the same set up. To keep the shrimp and water from traveling to my air pump I just keep it on a shelf higher then the water level. :D

im new to this, so what does the air do for the brine shrimp?
jams.alaskan said:
To keep the shrimp and water from traveling to my air pump I just keep it on a shelf higher then the water level. :D

Brainiac :p ....I never thought of that :lol:

mrcrabbs, the air makes the eggs roll continuously, what they need to do in order to hatch :)
I see thansks. After they hatch what else do you have to do?
ok so i should stick the tube thro the top of the thing. my house stays around 75 usualy, but ill be keeping them in the backroom of my house and its summer soon so they'll stay pretty warm from summer heat and for thos cold mornings ive got a heater back there. ive also heard after u cut the coke bottle that if u have an extra bbottom or top piece left over that u should put it on top of the coke buttle with water in it, and it help keep down evaporation and keeps temp more constant.
I use a piece of rigid tubing I got at the lfs and stick it in from the top.

I also put my bottle in my 29 gal quarrantine to help keep temps stable. I just clamp it at the top with a pair of those cheap plastic spring clamps. I keep a 60w bulb going and they grow out nice.

I got a large batch at the moment I plan on growing out in a 15gal tank I am preparing.

well i dont have another tank to put mine in besides my 30 gal in my room. maybe put a blamket around it or put it in t bucket of water with a heater in it.
you could always just put an airstone on the end. poof problem with shrimp going down the tube fixed. They also have a mass market breeder now which lets the shrimp swim out into the tank when you open it up. Its a nice setup. I'll try to get a pic of it for you.
heres a pic of my DIY hatchery...

notice how I looped the airline up higher than the water level, this way you dont have to worry about it draining as soon as your remove it from the airpump...

I wrote an article about hatching BBS, if your interested you can view it at my personal website

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