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  1. S

    Suggestions for my 3ft...???

    lol, everyone reading this thread :P
  2. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Its a glass support I think. Will get covered with the sand once I've washed it.
  3. S

    I've had a new tank...

    It's 42 UK gallons which is just over 50 US gallons. Thanks :D
  4. S

    my new fish

    I agree they look like black neons. I was looking at them myself at an lfs this afternoon. Great looking fish btw :wub:
  5. S

    I've had a new tank...

    I went to an lfs' today and saw a 100cm x 40cm x 44cm set up with cabinet reduced from £500 to £250. The reduction was simply due to a minor defect that isnt even visible, and will have no impact on the fish at all. Luckily I have a very nice boyfriend who bought it as an early Christmas...
  6. S

    Update on Marine tank

    I love it all! Especially the anenome crab :wub: Can't wait to see pics after you've have a shuffle about!
  7. S

    What Lighting Do I Need?

    Great thanks. I'm going to my lfs on Sunday so I'll have a look then :D
  8. S

    Tank of the month August

    Never to be heard from again probably. I actually feel really betrayed (reminds self its only a website) To think I voted for him too :sly:
  9. S

    give us a bit

    Awwwww the kitty in the blacket looks sooooooo cosy :wub:
  10. S

    LONDON meet

    Well their leaflet gives walking directions from the bus stops (in the centre) and New Street Station?
  11. S

    LONDON meet

    I dont know whether you've ever been to New Street Station Vixen but I's a very big place with lots of exits. I'd advise everyone to meet in the lobby near the bottom of the escalators that lead up to the shopping centre (Palasades) According the the leaflet I have there's a seahorse breeding...
  12. S

    What Lighting Do I Need?

    Thanks No I'm not planning on having live plants. The tank is 30uk gallons (36 us gallons)
  13. S

    What Lighting Do I Need?

    Hi there, I've just bought a 36" long tank and just can't seem to find out what wattage of bulb I need :dunno: The tank I was sold (from ebay) has an 18w bulb in there but this doens't seem to line up with the holes in the new tank hood I've just bought :huh: I dont imagine it will take...
  14. S

    Work in Progress

    OMG, I can't believe I missed this thread! So hows the tank looking now? Have you got the discus yet?
  15. S

    what happen to my guppy fry?

    As guppys tend to be intensively inbred it is quite common for them to have spinal deformities etc. If you're sure that she's not been sucked by the filter intake or attacked by another fish or anything ike that then it's probably a deformity. Is she eating OK?
  16. S

    Juwel Heaters

    I cant say my juwel tank has ever made any noises whatsoever.
  17. S

    Is this Normal?

    I've just bought some play sand from B&Q. It was about £4 for 25kg
  18. S

    How long have you had fish?

    Just since Easter 2004 bank holiday weekend for me :D
  19. S

    Carbon Filter

    You should not use carbon filter while using meds. It will remove all the medication!
  20. S

    help me quick plzzzzzzz....

    Poor fishie. I'm glad it went peacefully in the end.
  21. S


    Still no Link -_- Nice pics Discomafia
  22. S

    LONDON meet

    I voted 20th November but I'm really not fussed as long as it's a Saturday.
  23. S

    How old

    As far as I know it's a couple of months before guppys get their colours.
  24. S

    Our Wedding Day

    Congratulations :wub:
  25. S

    9 pieces of glass

    Well, yeah, go for it. What else could you use it for anyway? Might as well have a go.
  26. S

    project tv

    No I dont think I would. The novelty would wear off too quick and I'd wish I'd gone for a plain and simple tank.
  27. S

    Tasty pictures (thongs).

    Um, just one question. Whos feet are they?
  28. S

    what does a guppy do when preggers

    With livebearers you should be able to see a gravid spot on the underside and obviously she will start to get fat. Are you sure she's not just stressed out? It's recommended that you have at least 2 females to every male to spread the amourous attention out a bit between the women.
  29. S

    hello and help

    I like tankalot too! Welcome to the forum!
  30. S


    20th is OK for me :D
  31. S

    hands up who thinks this is wrong

    Very very wrong!
  32. S

    Excuse the question but...

    Oh yes! Cories will help to clear up waste too.
  33. S

    **NEW** Searchable User Gallery!!

    Oh well. Maybe I'll use this as an opportunity to take some updated ones ;) I havent moved them. Have had some problems with my host site though so maybe that's it. Thanks Arfie :D
  34. S

    **NEW** Searchable User Gallery!!

    Umm, is it finished yet cos I'm not on there :/
  35. S


    I have absolutely no idea. I just remember hearing about them and thought I'd throw it in so mwm could research the possibility a bit further.
  36. S


    Arent there small clearish worms called Planarian (sp) that are a sign of a health tank? I heard that the fish should eat them off soon enough.
  37. S


    At least my brother isn't alone then. On my way back I said (on the phone) "Are you sure it's not just moulted cos it has been doing a grand job of eating all my algae" To which the reply was: "No, I'm sure it's dead, I've not seen it since Friday" :rofl: I'm just sooooo glad there's a...
  38. S

    Update on my 56g tank

    Nice tank Aqua :D
  39. S

    Filter Question

    The box definately says internal. It has 4 suckers on the back to hold it in place.
  40. S


    No, it's not a bad thing. You used all the smileys that represent the emotions I went through from hearing the news to seeing that he was really still alive.