Update on Marine tank


Fish Aficionado
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Banchory, Aberdeenshire
Thought I would post a few pictures before I have to move things around when I install my Skimmer next week.

Full shot:

Long-Tentacled Mushroom coral:

Anenome crab (who lives in the Mushroom coral):

Pulsing Xenia coral (just about to split):

Plate corals:

Red-leggd hermit crab:

Fan Worms:

My Cowrie (who hitched a ride on the Mushroom coral):

In the tank there is:
4 x Turbo snails
2 x Red-legged hermit crabs
2 x Damsel fish
1 x Cleaner shrimp
1 x Anenome crab
Assorted soft corals & fans
30kg Live rock
I love it all! Especially the anenome crab :wub:

Can't wait to see pics after you've have a shuffle about!
i dont know anything about marines but your pics were very interesting to see and the tank looks good. :thumbs: :)
'Proteins' is a generic name for the built up organic waste that occupies the top 2" - 3" of water in a marine tank. A Protein skimmer literally skims this off by constantly syphoning off this 'layer', mixing it with very fine bubbles in a chamber and replacing the clean water back into the tank. The bubbles help to remove the protein waste in the form of a dry foam which collects in a cup on top of the skimmer, this is then emptied as necessary. The removal of this protein waste helps gas exchange which is essential for a healthy tank.
It is an essential piece of kit if you want to keep marine fish healthy as it tries to replicate what natural wave action does, you may have seen foam 'scum' on the beach? That is protein waste :)

That's how I understand it anyway :D
That is a nice setup. I want to do one, but wow are they expensive. :/
Just added this little guy (for the benefit of my 22 month old boy as he likes stars :D )



and finally got a shot of my cleaner shrimp

and another cute shot of the anenome crab
that last shot of the crab is great :thumbs: . tanks looking very good.

nice one :wub:

ste :)
Awesome pictures! I especially like the one of the cute little shrimp :) The one of the crab peeking out of the coral is cute, too. And so is the one of the starfish, and.... :) Good pictures :nod:

Thanks for the definition of a protein skimmer, too (even though I wasn't the one who asked). I've always wondered what they do.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Brilliant photos, I Especially love that last picture of the anenome crab! Brilliant photography.

Gawd, this makes me wish I had the time or patience to keep a marine tank.

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