How old

As far as I know it's a couple of months before guppys get their colours.
My guppy fry started to get some black markings on their tails at just a couple of weeks old. They're now about a month old and the odd one or 2 are starting to get a tiny bit of yellow in their tails. Maybe I've got early developers :lol:
i find that with my platties they get black markings after a week if fed realy nice foods like bbs and this stuff u can buy for fry in a tube
I have guppies that are 6 weeks old now and they have started to show some very light blue on fins in the last week. Until then it was the same as Kitty, they had black and yellow markings. I do have 2 very smokey grey ones which have the starting of deep red hue on their tails. Its so exciting to see the colours appear but I must admit I don't have much patience

I want to see their colours now!
Chooklet said:
willywonka099 said:
Platys seem to color up the quickest ... by the time they get colors they will be breeding and near a point to sell ;)
My platy fry are bright orange and theres NO WAY they are aold enough to breed....

Teenage s*x....naughty fish....
I did not say that the coloring had anything too do with maturaton..... I have heard that plattys are born orange ... Please read my post more carefuly before trying too shoot it down .

And about the black coloration it seems too come in quite a bit quicker, I'm guessing b/c it's the dominant color
Just depends on the fish, I have had some fry born with their color. Other times it takes 2-5 weeks for them to show signs of or show their true color.

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