Carbon Filter


WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
Aug 9, 2004
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Do you need to use your carbon filter when you treat for white spot? How long do you use it for and do you need to through it away when you finished with it. Also what does the carbon filter do?

I know question after question, anyone got any answers please.
are you using meds? because carbon removes meds, you're meant to take carbon OUT... so the meds don't get sucked up by the filter
I haven't put the carbon filter in yet I will be starting to use meds tonight to treat the white spot.
You should not use carbon filter while using meds. It will remove all the medication!
Ok cool I take it I use the filter once my fish are cured to remove any residual medication?
It seems that that is what was wrong with my guppies When I had a looked for that gravid spot last night I spotted the little white spots all over the guppy that was acting weird. :blink: :blink:
Hi Chisnfips,

With regard to your carbon filter, as sunflower and hellohefalump have said you do need to remove a carbon filter when treating with meds. :D

When using a carbon filter it needs to be renewed every 4-6 weeks, it can not be cleaned or washed out it must be renewed. :rolleyes: There is a lot of controversy over carbon filters, some people say that they do not work after the first two weeks and some people are worried that they may leak chemicals back into the tank. :/

If a carbon filter is left longer that the recommended time it will start leaking the chemicals it has removed back into the tank, so although the manufacturers, (in my case) say 4-6 weeks, I personally always change mine after 4 weeks (just to be safe). :p

I have been told that if you remove the carbon filter after, say one week (because of treating with meds), as long as you keep it in a bag and it stays wet you can put the same carbon filter back in the tank, but the "4 weeks" does not start again, you only have 3 weeks of use left. Although I have been assured this is correct, I personally have not felt confident to do this, and if I have removed a carbon because of meds I have thrown it away and started next time with a fresh one. :sly: Possibly it is a waste, but for me its better safe than sorry. :crazy:

Good luck with your treatments, hope the fish feel better soon :cool:
cheers mate useful knowledge there.

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