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  1. F

    Barbed Connectors In The U.k ?

    first link was for 4-6mm bulk head fittings for airline, second link was for 12/16mm fittings.....
  2. F

    Barbed Connectors In The U.k ?

    try here: brass nipples!! :good: and here for larger size 12/16mm
  3. F

    Diy Slate Caves?

    use a powered water cooled tile cutter: B&Q do a basic model for about 35 quid and a bigger one around 60/70 mark.... cheap one dearer one works a charm:)
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    What System Of Filtration Would Be Best?

    I think a good simile is the filtration used on large koi ponds; generally you have MORE biological surface area (as in vortex systems) but the water passes through relatively slowly to give the water greater contact with the media. If you fire the water through too quickly the biological...
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    Pets At Home

    I was a manager at P@H and think they get a bad rap partly because they are a big chain and thus an easy target over a mom and pop store. True there are stores that are shockingly ran and also there are exceptional ones; same can be said for any independant or mid sized chain - dobbies...
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    What Is This Fish? Barb?

    its either barbus lineatus or barbus johorensis and they max out about 3-4 " ive got 5 johorensis very peaceful even shy, but nice fish.
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    good point, withdrawn. brian blessed scares me more anyway.
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    The Truth About Kribs.

    buy them from your supermarket; use a screwdriver and hammer make repeated strikes rounds the centre of the coconut, rotating it slightly after each hit and eventually (some are harder than others) it will start to crack\split (if you have a drill you can drill a hole in and drain the milk out...
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    castro?? :osama:
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    Acarichthys Heckelii

    if youre interested someone in Nottingham is advertising 3 of these for £20 on Aquarist Classifieds... click:) cheers. craig
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    The Truth About Kribs.

    TBH I think there is a bit of sensationalism about Pelviachromis and they have been turned into this hellraising destroyer that should never be kept with other fish if they are in pairs.... in my opinion they are nowhere near as aggresive as say a Convict\some Jewel cichlids when they have...
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    remember kribs like green foods too so a little courgette etc in their diet wont go amiss.... i personally have never found they eat other fish apart from being opportunistic with the odd dead tankmate.. that said they are territorial with other bottom dwellers, more so if they are a bonded pair...
  13. F

    Baby Kribs,divider Needed?

    hi, if you have a seperate tank that would be the best course of action;take the barbs out that will leave the parents to bring the fry on. if you cant do that either put in a tank divider; or less stressing try using a fry seperating net to put the barbs in the kribs will continue to be...
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    Looking For Suppliers Of The Rarer Cichlids

    try microman (mark breeze); superb breeding list and top notch fish by ALL accounts. :good: Craig
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    Keeping My Breeding Pair Of Purple Cichlids

    with kribs and multi stocking its purely based on tank space; i think you would find increased levels of aggression particularly with a breeding pair if its a 125 l (3 foot tank yeah??) i would seperate the juveniles when the parents have fry again; maybe try raising them in the 35l with a...
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    Sub Forums

    bum smacked..... :unsure: :unsure:
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    Sub Forums

    Personally id like to see african cichlids broken down into rift lake\riverine - I could personally offer a lot of info in the west african sub group; oh and the biotope section is a good idea (off topic ish...) craig :rolleyes:
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    Sexing Badis Badis - Pic Included

    i've tried many different foods and they never took flake\pellets etc they even refuse brineshrimp;live and frozen. mine currently get bloodworm but not everyday every other and a 2 day break once a week to keep em keen without over feeding. run with the temp about 24*c they like it on the...
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    Id Needed Please.

    surinamensis. :good:
  20. F

    Sexing Badis Badis - Pic Included

    id say thats a postive id of male\female having kept 4 different badis sp. males are generally far far more colourful a word of warning make sure there are plenty of hiding places in there for the female or she may well be harassed to death i've used a coconut shell as for apistos, just make...
  21. F

    Ok Id Please!

    they are an african riverine tilapia that is often used as a foodfish is a nice picture and description.. :) HTH
  22. F

    Ok Id Please!

    looks like a Oreochromis mossambicus. big big fish hope ya got a 6 foot tank and he has a big appetite............ :good:
  23. F

    Identify Cichlid Please

    yup its an Heckelli very nice fish :)
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    first is a marlieri: marlieri second = unsure malawis not my speciality.... anyone?? :)
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    Imposter In A Shoal Of Congo Tetras

    possibly Neolebias Trilineatus, african single line tetra would make sense if it was a by-catch...
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    33 Gallon Stocking?

    totally agree with Dhoffset there; I tried 2 pairs of juvenile Brichardi in a 2 foot tank a few years back that was absoluteley packed to the brim with Tufa rock, no probs at first but as soon as 1 pair matured they turned into evil incarnate and didnt rest till they shredded the other pair...
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    hi eric, Have you got a spare tank the JD can go in? I would try stay away from mixing south\central american cichlids in with Rift Lake africans, They have different behavioral\patterns and markers and I fear he may be getting the brunt of any aggression from the tankmate.. what else is in...
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    Best Places To Order Cichlids From Online?

    Trimar and BAS had fish off them both good service good fish. :)
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    First is a male, bottom is female... good :good: luck
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    to be fair I wouldnt mix Chocolate Gouramis with anything anywhere near boisterous, which Kribs generally are, especially if they start breeding behaviour... otherwise I think you would get away with the stocking you have.. Craig
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    Biotope Section?

    im all for it :good: :good:
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    Can Anyone Id My New Kribs?

    taenitus variant.... "dehane"
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    Web Hosting - Suggestions?

    Hi All, I'm after a cheap web hosting package preferably <£10 a month anyone got any suggestions?? (I'm looking for UK based providers..) cheers Craig
  34. F

    Blue Acara Male Chasing Female

    maybe its a female..... I know from experience a couple of years back I did the same thing and bought a 2" acara to pair off with a tank bred one i got from a friend, there was no way I could tell the diff until it grew on a little.
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    Fish Room Nearly Ready - Good News!

    tanks and window in so the room is super airtight, still waiting on the radiator plumbing in. I need to do a bit of work on the air ring that will power the filters - Hi-Blow 40 running Algarde 45, 200 \ 200 twins, and just had the consumer unit switched over so the fish equipment is getting...
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    Blue Acara Male Chasing Female

    ones an acara the others a green terror......(the second) the Gt are more so aggresive than an Acara....
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    Kribs Compatable With ?

    Hi JB, i would personally lose the krib juveniles, its just a matter of time before they reach a larger\more mature size when they will become a threat to the parents like anything else. At that point they will become targets also.. 300l is plenty big enough to give you a lot of stocking...
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    African Vs American Cichlids

    African everytime - why not try a riverine biotope, not sure of the footprint of a 60g but im fairly sure you would get maybe 3 pairs of dwarf cichlid in their with enough ground cover to provide territory/ break up sight lines..(5 foot tank yeah??) A big shoal of yellow tailed congos sure does...
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    My Proposed Nw Cichlid Tank

    plenty of softwater africans that would go great in a 30g, depends whats available though.. check out this site.... West African fish Ive personally bred kribs and thomasi in 20\30g or you could try go for some of the mouthbrooders..... lots of choice really... craig
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    Guild Wars

    me and the missus both play - two pcs its very good but i havent played wow so cant compare.....