The Truth About Kribs.


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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I'm really confused about kribs. When I got mine all the research i did showed them to be a reasonably peaceful cichlid who only get a little territorial during breeding, like rams angels etc.

Since buying them I keep hearing of kribs who have killed all the corys in the tank etc.

How aggressive are kribs? If my Kribs pair up will I have problems with the tank mates listed in my sig?

I know each fish is different but could a few of you just give your experiences with kribs so i can get an idea?

When they say peaceful, they mean for a cichlid. They are still aggressive. You should probley expect your shrimp to be gone, and maybe the corries, the hilstream loaches might have a issue, and so will the rams and cockatoo's.
But when does this happen? I have had my kribs for 2 weeks and so far they haven't touched anything. The corys fight off the kribs when the kribs try to steal their algae wafers. Only the female seems aggressive and thats aimed only at the male. The kribs are adults so when does this aggression start considering if they lay eggs I will remove the eggs?

TBH I think there is a bit of sensationalism about Pelviachromis and they have been turned into
this hellraising destroyer that should never be kept with other fish if they are in pairs....

in my opinion they are nowhere near as aggresive as say a Convict\some Jewel cichlids when they have eggs\fry,
its purely a matter of being sensible in terms of tank size; decor and also tankmates.

Dont put anything frail that is a dedicated bottom dweller in a small tank with them; (for instance badis, elephantnose
smaller gobies; etc) IMO dont go for any type of pygmy cory however Ive successfuly kept them in with Peppered, Bronze,
Jullii and Sterbai species in 3' tanks with no problems.

IN a 2' tank I would suggest the Kribs as the main bottom dweller with some sort of dither fish and no other bottom dwellers
as a 2' or anything less is better as a dedicated tank.

Remember with any cichlid floor area is the imperative thing so longer wider tanks are better than tall ones; pack it with bogwood,
plants, coconut caves (cheap as chips) and youll be on to a winner.]

good luck they are a superb little fish.


(edit: after looking at your stocking you may establish problems with the Apistos (floor area may be too small for both species) and the angels may fare poorly due to the fin extensions as they will make an easier target..)
Hang on did you say coconut caves (cheap as chips)?!?!?! Because when I decided to buy kribs the 1st thing I did was buy a coconut cave and never thought to look at the price and was pretty darn horrified when £8 rung up on the til for 1/2 a coconut.. They're under a pound in my local supermarket and that's for the WHOLE shell and the stuff in the middle!!

Now for those of you who don't know how much £8 is it's $16 US aka $18 Aus aka 120 SA Rand aka too damn expensive for a coconut.

Anyway as for the fish so far the Kribs don't seem to be aware of the angels and as for the cockatoos I guess i'll have to see. Maybe i'll move the kribs to their own tank if they hook up but fight now mrs krib seems pretty content just chasing, biting and generally hurting mr krib.

Thanks :good:
Hang on did you say coconut caves (cheap as chips)?!?!?! Because when I decided to buy kribs the 1st thing I did was buy a coconut cave and never thought to look at the price and was pretty darn horrified when £8 rung up on the til for 1/2 a coconut.. They're under a pound in my local supermarket and that's for the WHOLE shell and the stuff in the middle!!

Now for those of you who don't know how much £8 is it's $16 US aka $18 Aus aka 120 SA Rand aka too damn expensive for a coconut.

Anyway as for the fish so far the Kribs don't seem to be aware of the angels and as for the cockatoos I guess i'll have to see. Maybe i'll move the kribs to their own tank if they hook up but fight now mrs krib seems pretty content just chasing, biting and generally hurting mr krib.

Thanks :good:

buy them from your supermarket; use a screwdriver and hammer make repeated strikes rounds the centre of the coconut, rotating it slightly after each hit
and eventually (some are harder than others) it will start to crack\split (if you have a drill you can drill a hole in and drain the milk out first to prevent it
getting everywhere later) once you manage to split it in half shave all the flesh out and whallah!! you have 2 caves.

Use a couple of elastic bands to attach some java fern\moss\ anubia\ bolbitis and after a couple of weeks the roots should bond to it...

make sure you notch out a little entrance and they will love it (the apistos will too, for apistos make it small enough for only the female to get in, think new 5p size.....)

:D :D
I bought a Krib pair for my 70 litre tank which already had 6 cherry barbs. They laid eggs and once the eggs hatched the male went mad and chased and almost killed all the barbs and ripped their fins apart. Also tore the female tale apart. Today I had to remove him cause he was getting far too agressive. I feel he was going to kill everything in the tank. The fry have survived so far and are 2 weeks old, real cute and they are good parents.
PS i also have coconut shells as caves, pretty good!!!
Ha ha, never thought to make my own just like i never thought to check the price tag!! Well i guess i can just hope they don't hook up and if they do be prepared to move them. My only other tank is a 30l so it could be a problem but maybe i can just remove them for a couple of days and remove the eggs?

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