33 Gallon Stocking?


Aug 6, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I was planning on getting some Brichardi for my 33 gallon, but I was just wondering how many should I get. I am hoping to breed them but was wondering if I could get anything else for the tank aswell. I like the Leiupie ( spelled very wrong I know ).
It is my opinion that the best method for keeping Neolam-prologus brichardi is in a species only tank. A tank as small as 15 gallons can be utilized, though between 20 and 35 gallons would be more appropriate. By keeping this fish on its own, not only do you limit the chance they will eliminate their tankmates, but their graceful finnage will likely grow much better. That is not to say that it is impossible to keep this fish with other Tanganyikans, but one must be careful in selecting tank mates, and the aquarium best be at least 90cm long (36"), with a 120cm (48") tank being preferable. Some commonly available fish that should be compatible would include; Neolamprologus leleupi, cylindricus; Altolamprologus calvus, compressiceps; Julidochromis marlieri or regani.

There is, however, a bit of a secret to making this work. Any other tankmates must be much larger then the brichardi to begin with, and they must establish their territory in the aquarium first. Purchasing an adult pair of calvus and juvenile brichardi would be an example of a situation that would normally work out. There is one important caveat: in a tank of less then 120cm (48") you would be limited to two pairs of fish when including brichardi in the mix.

Taken from here:
totally agree with Dhoffset there; I tried 2 pairs of juvenile Brichardi in a 2 foot tank a few years back that was absoluteley packed to the brim
with Tufa rock, no probs at first but as soon as 1 pair matured they turned into evil incarnate and didnt
rest till they shredded the other pair

viscious little buggers!!!

So in my 33 gallon tank I should just go with 2 pairs of Brichardi and maybe some fish for the mid to upper level of the tank?
So in my 33 gallon tank I should just go with 2 pairs of Brichardi and maybe some fish for the mid to upper level of the tank?

You can try two pairs if you like, but personally I'd go with one. The resulting fry will add a bit of bulk, and if I remember the article correctly the adults will allow their juveniles to remain in their territory.

What the article meant by 2 pairs of fish was for example one pair of n.leleupi and one pair of brichardi.
Ok. Well as getting a pair can be difficult I'll have to buy 4 of each speices. But I would like to have one pair of Brichardi and maybe a pair of leleupi. But I think I might just go with one pair of Brichardi and maybe some Debawui catfish.
Ok. Well as getting a pair can be difficult I'll have to buy 4 of each speices. But I would like to have one pair of Brichardi and maybe a pair of leleupi. But I think I might just go with one pair of Brichardi and maybe some Debawui catfish.

Sounds good. :good:

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