Blue Acara Male Chasing Female


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2007
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I have two blue acaras, I'm assuming one is male and the other female simply because of the obvious size difference. The female is not allowed to freely swim in the tank as she is being bullied into either the left or right corners of the tank. the female is eating and in good health. can someone please explain to me if this bullying behaviour is normal. should I seperate them? are they ready for breeding?

maybe someone could help me

thank you
Males have much longer dorsal and anal fins then the female... might help to make sure you have a pair...

Sorry can't help with the behavior though
A.pulcher are a fairly peaceful medium sized (8") New World cichlid, they can be aggressive during breeding. What you are seeing could be fighting for dominance or breeding behavior. Without some more information it is difficult to say. What size tank do you have them in, what decor, tankmates, and any pics if possible to see if someone can hopefully sex them? For more information, you might ask a mod to move this to the New World section, or post over there.
the tank is a fluval 260

tankmates are:-

2 jupari
1 geophagus brazil
1 standard plec
2 angels
2 pearl gouramis
2 rainbow

will sort out some pics today

decor is stones / artificial plants with silver sand

think this is the female
Wow, they are beautiflu. :drool: My first post gave the extent of my knowledge on them, hopefully a mod will move this and the folks in the New World section will be able to help you out. :good:
ones an acara the others a green terror......(the second)

the Gt are more so aggresive than an Acara....
curious and confused now. Maidenhead Aquatics sold these as Blue Acara

Both fish have the exact same colouring - although maybe not clear from pics. Male is a poser and was still when i took pic. female was camera shy
I was breeding these fish a while ago! When i was breeding them i had the same trouble, the male kept chasing the female around and biting its tail :angry: My green terrors started fighting when i removed there eggs, im guessing the male diddnt like this at all and started chasing my female around as said about^^^.

i seperated them for 1 week and let them back together and they still were fighting, so either they needed my time out or this is how the males act when u take there eggs from them or they get angry for some reason!

hope this help

ones an acara the others a green terror......(the second)

the Gt are more so aggresive than an Acara....

humm. many people say the second one is a Green Terror, because it has an orange fringe to its tail. though i am far from convinced this is in fact true. i have one and as with the OP it is a female. mine is not the least aggressive, though it will not accept any breeding fish in the tank with it. it, despite being over 18 months old, not really sure as it was a rescue fish, has not developed the hump on its head, and shows no signs of doing so. all in all it acts like a Blue Acara, looks like a Blue Acara and was sold as a Blue Acara and is growing like one too. i have a vid on youtube and was told by some it was a Green Terror, however a gent i have met on other forums, who seems to keep theses guys confirmed it to be and Blue Acara. who knows!! unless or until it develops the head hump, mine will stay a Blue Acara.
ones an acara the others a green terror......(the second)

the Gt are more so aggresive than an Acara....

humm. many people say the second one is a Green Terror, because it has an orange fringe to its tail. though i am far from convinced this is in fact true. i have one and as with the OP it is a female. mine is not the least aggressive, though it will not accept any breeding fish in the tank with it. it, despite being over 18 months old, not really sure as it was a rescue fish, has not developed the hump on its head, and shows no signs of doing so. all in all it acts like a Blue Acara, looks like a Blue Acara and was sold as a Blue Acara and is growing like one too. i have a vid on youtube and was told by some it was a Green Terror, however a gent i have met on other forums, who seems to keep theses guys confirmed it to be and Blue Acara. who knows!! unless or until it develops the head hump, mine will stay a Blue Acara.

maybe its a female.....

I know from experience a couple of years back I did the same thing and bought a 2" acara to pair off with a tank bred one i got from a friend, there was no way I could tell the diff until it grew on a little.
I'm pretty sure the second pic is of a male GT, although it could easily be a mix of the two.
do you have any more pics of the first fish? either way it does look like an acara

this is the first fish what i think is the female
My male acara has orange on the first 4-5 rays of his tail, just at the tips though....

The second one looks like a GT to me as well, does the orange extend completely down the edge of his tail? or is just at the top, if it's all the way down I'd say it's a GT, the body shapes different as well, which is another indicator of GT. Plus theres a lot of colour in the dorsal and anal fins, which isn't normally seen in acaras.

The other is definitely an acara and if it's over 4 inches it looks to be a female...

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