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  1. owlbassboy

    Can You Frag A Mushroom

    can you post a picture of it please?
  2. owlbassboy

    Can You Frag A Mushroom

    The best way to frag a mushroom it to take the rock out of the water and remove the mushroom and a little sliver of the rock using a chisel. ****Please wear safety glasses as they can squirt and id also advise wearing rubber gloves when fragging.**** Once you have your mushroom with sliver of...
  3. owlbassboy

    488l Mega Nano

    looks great will have to get over a run soon to see it also need to bring back your scraper
  4. owlbassboy

    488l Mega Nano

    custard?!?! hope your not goin soft and naming them now lol looks good
  5. owlbassboy

    Twin Sentry Duties

    Very cool bud
  6. owlbassboy

    Killies In The Cupboard

    you also need a comfy seat out there mate for all the time you will be spending out there
  7. owlbassboy

    Piercings! Who's Got What?

    2 lobes 10mm and labret 1.2mm used to have one nipple, tragus and eyebrow
  8. owlbassboy

    Tattoo's Whos Got What

    here is my latest which i actually got finished today only had to get the bubbles coloured and white highlights in it so this pic is pretty much complete. it was done by my mates apprentice heres more of mine and heres some of my wifes also has a big ship on one leg and got a new...
  9. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    shhhhh no pressure now lol
  10. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    thanks mate
  11. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    yeh me and buddyboy got them from the same guy. one of my lights has packed it tho so must get that fixed or hang the halide i have over it. im considering adding a few more fish ps sorry if that sounded cheeky when i said about having them wasnt intended lol.
  12. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    sure there is a pic of my big monti 'frag' in my first post and i have a stylopora(i think) id also like some cyanarias
  13. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    cheers bagu
  14. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    very true now jus need some rock coverage. would love some acans, duncans and some other nice lps
  15. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    the rest of that coralline will be coming off when i get the tools lol yeh i got miffed off when i couldnt get the coralline off and ripped all corals out set them on the table and rebuild as best i could. think ive hid some zoas tho but at least i found the medusa frag i lost last time i moved...
  16. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    sorry here we go. i much prefer it this way still so much detritus to get rid of. need more frags and clean up crew(only got 2 hermits now lol) uploaded from my phone so not the best quality but you get the idea. hope you like all comments welcome
  17. owlbassboy

    101 Questions About Nano Reefs

    no mate you dont need a skimmer but i find they make life a lot easier. i dont think hes on here but pm me for a link to killis tank its absolutely amazing and doesnt have a skimmer on it
  18. owlbassboy

    101 Questions About Nano Reefs

    ill have to get the link off my mate later bud
  19. owlbassboy

    Spotted Manderin With Normal Manderin

    youd be better feeding it on mysis as brine doesnt have much nutritional value mate. im not too sure id risk 2 in together
  20. owlbassboy

    101 Questions About Nano Reefs

    There will be a new led system out soon and it should retail about 40 quid par tests are being done atm
  21. owlbassboy

    Adams 15l Pico Tank!

    looks great mate bout time you had some new pics of this tank
  22. owlbassboy

    Starting Where Someone Left Off....

    the skimmate looks very weak, you will need to tweak it to get it right.
  23. owlbassboy

    Welcome To My Nano Diary.

    great start mate and you seem to have everything well planned out
  24. owlbassboy

    What Corals Can I Keep Under My New Lighting Setup

    well any stock you have should do ok under them lights in the meantime but i would recommend as bud says going to blue and actinic before adding any of the more light dependant corals
  25. owlbassboy

    Killies In The Cupboard

    neat lookin setup there c. wouldnt mind a run down when its up and going to see it all in action
  26. owlbassboy

    Tank question #1

    oops lmao
  27. owlbassboy

    Tank question #1

    have a look at flameback angels i have one in my 24g, they are a stunning and peaceful fish
  28. owlbassboy

    The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

    what is your sg at is its up around 1.020 then you would have needed to acclimatise it over the space of about 3 days
  29. owlbassboy

    Say Hello To Ali

    welcome ali!!
  30. owlbassboy

    Coral Acronym

    there are sps-short polyped stony lps-long/large polyped stony nps-non-photosynthetic
  31. owlbassboy

    In My Lfs There Was This Catfish

    youll be fine with corydoras pygmaeus or corydoras habrosas in a 15g tank
  32. owlbassboy

    A Warning About Hydrometers

    this is a picture of a hydrometer filled with cold tap water(taken from a mate on another forum) please dont risk your stock and spend the extra money and get a refractometer
  33. owlbassboy

    In My Lfs There Was This Catfish

    there are loads of cats you can keep in a community tank for example corydoras species
  34. owlbassboy

    In My Lfs There Was This Catfish

    possibly a pangassius or maybe pim pictus or could even be a shark cat
  35. owlbassboy

    Owls 24g D&d Nano

    well took a detour mid clean and did a rescape now im still waiting for the water to clear. was that cloudy i have no idea how the rocks were positioned hopefully no corals lost other than the pink hysterix that broke off under my thumb nail(yes it hurt LOTS) i will get pics tomoz when its...
  36. owlbassboy

    Meet Pigsy

    CUTE!?!? what well ok maybe in the pics but you should meet the dog in person he is the most mental terrier i have ever met lol still great fun to play with tho
  37. owlbassboy

    Tina's Twin Bommies

    WOW that last shot is absolutely amazing
  38. owlbassboy

    Tank Size And Depth Question

    I would rethink your fish choice. Why not go for a kole tang mate and maybe a wrasse. Loads of nice fish you can get for your tank. It would be cruel to keep them fish in that tank. As buddy says you would need at least a 6footer for that list
  39. owlbassboy

    So Its Begins! The Tank Is Empty And Ready To Go

    are you planning on a reef tank?? you will need to up the lighting has there been copper treatment used in the tank?? if so then you wont be able to keep any inverts as copper kills them
  40. owlbassboy

    My New 8gal Nano

    hurry up and get a new tank thread up for the new masterpiece