Tank Size And Depth Question


New Member
Jul 20, 2009
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Im getting one of these 2 tank setups. Either a 55 or 65 gallon setup. I believe the dimensions of the 65 are 36w x 20h x 18d if I'm correct. If I do not get the 65 I know someone selling a 55 that's 48 long and i'm guessing 12 deep. Are these size tanks enough for a yellow tang, maroon clown, clown trigger, and lion fish (all young small fish). This is the setup I've been looking to do for a while so hopefully I can. Thanks...
The 65 gal is better dimensions..marines look better in a deeper tank, 12" high simply wouldn't do them justice, however 4 foot length would suit the tang well. Would consider looking for a 48x 18x15 at least.
So would you say that the 55 even though it's 10g Less than the 65 would be Better for the fish I want?
Always go for the largest volume mate..the more water the better...for the fish you've chose a 6 footer would really be best. Marines grow both large and quickly! Best to buy the largest tank you have space for to allow for this growth. Clown trigger and lion would look for 6 foot before too long , never mind the rest of your stock.
Problem is I'm on a second floor so I'm limited to what size tank I can do
I would rethink your fish choice. Why not go for a kole tang mate and maybe a wrasse. Loads of nice fish you can get for your tank. It would be cruel to keep them fish in that tank.
As buddy says you would need at least a 6footer for that list
Problem is I'm on a second floor so I'm limited to what size tank I can do

Well if you have enough for 48" of length, or 18" front-back, why not go with a 75g (48x18x18). That way you can keep the fish you want and have a good tank footprint. I have a 65g myself and don't keep any of those fish for fear of having the wrong dimensions for them.

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