In My Lfs There Was This Catfish


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester UK
I dont have a picture but it was about 3-4 inches long, a light silvery colour on top with dark spots on and white underneath, it has really long barbels

I dont know if that is much to go on but someone may have some idea?

It looked like the shape of some type of syno!
its a Pimellodus pictus!

awww i dont think i could have one of those in my new tank=[

Id be worried that it would eat something

I love catfish but its a shame they are usually predators =[
thankyou for your help =] much appreciated, its defiantly a Pimellodus pictus......beautiful

aye i love corys but my other half says in not allowed any in my 15 gallon so i was looking for an alternative any ideas?

i was looking at hill stream loaches or polkadot loaches...
aye thats true, theyre group fish aswell aren't they? hmmm

I like the loach idea though...
lol i may just have to sneak some corys in with a hillstream loach and pretend i dont know anything bout the corys.... :lol:
If you are after some small cats there is a little fish I saw at Tingley Tropicals at the weekend which looks a bit like a smaller version of a Shark Catfish.
I think its called a Pericola or something like that......They are only tiny little things and George's wife(tingley Tropicals) said they are ok to be kept in community tank.
I'm thinking of getting one this weekend.

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