Tank question #1


Apr 26, 2005
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Hersey, MI
After doing some reading both on here and in my new books, I have decieded that I should pair the clownfish we were planning on getting. So....when the time comes to stock what to go with other than the pair of clowns?

I was thinking 1-2 others, not sure which ones. Here were some options that I had liked: six line wrasse, purple or pink chromis, purple firefish goby, green clown goby, Royal Gramma, hmm...others?

what does everyone think? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Yup, any 2 of those would work :) Well, I would avoid the chromis as I know that at least the green chromis is a schooling fish so you'd need at least 3 of them.

Wrasses I'm not as familiar with - some are reef safe and some are not, but they are good nano fish.

Any of the gobies or firefish or the royal gramma would go very well in there :thumbs: I would check out the yellow watchman goby and a cleaner shrimp - they have that symbiotic relationship that's great to watch.
I just read about the red stripe high fin goby or some long nonsense name like that, he looks suffincetly colorful ( and does the symbiotic relationship) that i might go with him and a gramma.
Hi..grammas can be a little aggressive. Check out the sixline wrasse. Great colors....very active swimmer in the tank....swoops in and out of the live rock..has beautiful lines and amazing looking eyes. Mine has been very unaggressive.

A yellow watchman goby combined with a pistol shrimp is interesting

Yellow assesor is small...ie..good 'nano' fish and very brightly colored

If you have big bucks, you can look for the one I want....a swissguard basslet

question: what type of coral specificly should i get for my clowns?
Can 1 goby be ok by itself (hi fin red banded goby)
Clowns don't need anemones or corals to survive...look up Plerogyra sp if you want something similar to an anemone that a clown might take to hanging in. That goby would do fine . SH
So you think they would like the bubble coral (Plerogyra sp)? I think i will get that for them. I know they dont need it to surivive, but I dont need TV to survive, but I like it. I just want them to enjoy life as much as possible, and it will add to the nifty interactions of the tank.

B.T.W. I took a gander at the swissguard basslet, that guy is AWSOME. He will be on my list of fish to look for. :D
Even if you get something for the clown to host, he may not have any interest in it. I got a gorgeous toadstool leather mushroom for my clown and he had ZERO interest in it :lol: Wild bred clowns seem to take to hosting something better than tank bred, but it's definitely not a requirement :)
parker313 said:
Even if you get something for the clown to host, he may not have any interest in it. I got a gorgeous toadstool leather mushroom for my clown and he had ZERO interest in it :lol: Wild bred clowns seem to take to hosting something better than tank bred, but it's definitely not a requirement :)
good point, but if they dont take to hosting it, it will still look good in the tank, so no worries :fun:
I need some help yesterday I bought a yellow watchman goby and a tiger pistol shrimp nice pair and when I introduced them they went into a little hole in a rock on the sand in the corner and the shrimp got ready
And got to work after a while I saw the gobies head pop out the rock and shoot back in so I thought everything was going great until today when I woke up there was nothing there but later in the day I could hear the tiger pistol shrimp making loud clicking noises and I don't know where they have gone will they make a burrow at the front or will they starve and die please help :grr: :no: it's driving me nuts :S
Hi Dodge

As Tina suggests start a new thread with your question and we will answer you there :good: and then hopefully we will get some nice photos as well

Seffie x


ps but for now, stop worrying, its normal

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