So Its Begins! The Tank Is Empty And Ready To Go


May 12, 2009
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hey guys/gals

im seriously considering converting to marine from my tropical tank,but i need so much help as im realy clueless on marine tanks.

i have at the moment a juwel rio 400L tank,5 ft long running an fx5 filter and standard lighting.

will this tank and equioment be ok for a marine setup size wise?

before i go any further,i want an honest opinion on how much more work is involved maintaining the marine setup compared to tropical!!

i currently do 2 50% waters change each week. i fill the tank straight back up from the tap with the condtioner,i presume i cant do this with marine,as its filtered water yes?

what other equipment do i need? skimmer,uv filter?

i would love a nice long live rock eventualy,but only a few fish,as i like my tanks to look not so hectic. i realy admire the tangs!!!

any newbie help would be great,as im totaly clueless

many thanks

hey guys/gals

im seriously considering converting to marine from my tropical tank,but i need so much help as im realy clueless on marine tanks.

i have at the moment a juwel rio 400L tank,5 ft long running an fx5 filter and standard lighting.

will this tank and equioment be ok for a marine setup size wise?
It's definitely big enough for tangs. I'm not familiar with juwel tanks, but if the fx5 is an external, just toss it or clean it out and use it as an external refugium.

before i go any further,i want an honest opinion on how much more work is involved maintaining the marine setup compared to tropical!!

i currently do 2 50% waters change each week. i fill the tank straight back up from the tap with the condtioner,i presume i cant do this with marine,as its filtered water yes?
it is best to use Reverse Osmosis De-ionized water to prevent algae growth and to eliminate any nitrates and other chemicals from the water.

what other equipment do i need? skimmer,uv filter?
skimmer for sure, skip the uv filter, you should use a sump for that size tank. (this will involve a hob overflow if the tank isn't drilled already). Powerheads to move water over the live rock. If you want to keep corals, you will need to upgrade to t5 lighting or better depending on which you want to keep.

i would love a nice long live rock eventualy,but only a few fish,as i like my tanks to look not so hectic. i realy admire the tangs!!!

any newbie help would be great,as im totaly clueless

many thanks


As for upkeep, you do not have to do as many water changes, because of the amount of filter media in your tank (live rock). I would also like to add that a large expense will be in buying all of the live rock and livestock for the tank.
are you planning on a reef tank?? you will need to up the lighting

has there been copper treatment used in the tank?? if so then you wont be able to keep any inverts as copper kills them
are you planning on a reef tank?? you will need to up the lighting

has there been copper treatment used in the tank?? if so then you wont be able to keep any inverts as copper kills them

copper treatments? what are they,lol

dont think i can have a sump because dont they go underneath,my cabinet on the tank is open in the middle.

excuse my total lack of knowledge,reef tank?

i would aim to have a nice live rock running almost the length of the tank,with a tang and some others.

how much effort and time is involved compared to a freshwater tank?

as you can all see im totaly clueless,i have read up on things but im not very bright,lol
Some medications have copper material in it.
Reef tank, as far as im aware, it means a marine tank with corals?
I could be wrong though.
I think there is alot of effort UNTIL you get your head around it.

are you planning on a reef tank?? you will need to up the lighting

has there been copper treatment used in the tank?? if so then you wont be able to keep any inverts as copper kills them

copper treatments? what are they,lol
Yah some medications use copper, which is extremely deadly to invertibrates

dont think i can have a sump because dont they go underneath,my cabinet on the tank is open in the middle.
there are people who run sumpless, you don't need a sump, but it cleans up the tank so you don't have a skimmer and stuff hanging on the back

excuse my total lack of knowledge,reef tank?
a reef tank has a the majority of live rock covered in corals/anemone. It seems like you are going for a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) tank.

i would aim to have a nice live rock running almost the length of the tank,with a tang and some others.

how much effort and time is involved compared to a freshwater tank?
much more research involved, but once you get the hang of it, I think it takes less maintenance than a freshwater tank. This is assuming you don't skimp on any of your equipment.

as you can all see im totaly clueless,i have read up on things but im not very bright,lol

All i really can say is... research research research!
personally speaking ive recently converted from tropicals to marines and i had a 240 litre tropical tank.

in the TROPICAL TANK i had a external filter and heater just like you but since i have brought

coral gravel, 30 kg of Live rock, 2 powerheads, skimmer, 24kg of salt, hydrometre, marine testwater kit and a marine light tube, moonlighting and thats about it. .

best move i made though but thats what i reckon you would probaly need for your tank too. obviously with it being bigger your bill will be slightly larger.. lol
thanks for all the helpfull replies

could i run the whole tank with the fx5? i forgot to say but i do also have the juwel internal in the tank too,but i may take that out!!

i will buy the best i can afford regarding equipment.

would i need to buy an ro unit?

also as to regards to water changes,i no you have to add the salt to gain the correct salinity,but do you have to do this in a container then add to the tank,or can you add the water straight to the tank and then add the salt?
thanks for all the helpfull replies

could i run the whole tank with the fx5? i forgot to say but i do also have the juwel internal in the tank too,but i may take that out!!

i will buy the best i can afford regarding equipment.

would i need to buy an ro unit?

also as to regards to water changes,i no you have to add the salt to gain the correct salinity,but do you have to do this in a container then add to the tank,or can you add the water straight to the tank and then add the salt?

Live rock and good flow provide the filteration. If you plan on using an external it is best to run this with some decent live rock rubble and some phosphate remover inside. Using normal filter meida can actually cause you problems over time if you dont carry out very regular maintainance on it.

R0 unit, probably is best to buy your own in the long run. Then you have it whenever you need it. Also you cant always be sure when the last time the membranes were changed on your LFS's RO filter.

For the first time you fill your tank you can add the salt and the water and mix it in the tank. But water changes must be mixed outside the tank. Most people leave the water mixing for 24 hours or so before doing a water change.
so what is the weekly amount of water changes needed and volume?

its a 400L tank at 5ft.

you no what,its so confusing i may give up before i begin :blush:

tropicals are a doddle, i can do a test,vac and 50% change in around an hour

i was wandering if there is anyone that would actualy set it up for me,how i wanted,im gonna ask my lfs on my break if this can be done.
once a week. 10% so 40L

seriously just 10% a week?

i got told 50%,thats what put me off,as i have no room for a 200L container.

what are decent skimmers to buy, i dont mind spending that extra to get a better one. i have looked but some many people advise different makes/models

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