101 Questions About Nano Reefs


Fish Fanatic
Dec 14, 2007
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I'm just chucking ideas around here, I haven't commited to anything yet but I have an old 10g 2ft tank I'm not doing anything with and was just wondering where people get the lighting from and how much I would need. I have seen those Luminaire systems which look really nice but boy are they expensive on top of everything else lol.

EDIT: What about something like this: [URL="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/...WAVE-SOLARIS-MARI...4QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/...WAVE-SOLARIS-MARI...4QQcmdZViewItem[/URL]

Would that sort of thing be OK for a 2ft reef tank with 2-3 fish and some coral?
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It really does depend on what you intend to keep in there coral wise - let us know you plans :good:

Seffie x

I'm interested lol, any links to it or any more info?

As for coral I'm not entirely sure yet I'm a complete saltwater noob :crazy: I'm really reading through a lot of info about them at the mo and have only just got over the finer points of why I don't need a filter lol. Any links people have for coral types will be greatly, greatly appreciated lol.
Look at live aquaria, mail order corals, fishmans frags, reefstock, reefworks.

They have many different corals between them and will give you an idea of you want. Have a look at peoples tanks in the journal section too to see how people integrate them into their displays. Just ask anyone of there is a particular coral you like, most of us are more than willing to talk endlessly about our specimens.
Thanks you have been very helpful, the member tanks here look fantastic. I've been looking at people's projects and some say they are using a second tank as a sump alongside their main tank in order to make the water stats more stable. I have a 90l roma which I am planning to use as the main tank and an 11g tank; could I use that? Also, do I have to drill out holes in the side for it or can I use the existing external filter holes I have in the top?
That size sump is perfect for the size tank you are using.

It is better to drill the holes, overflows have a knack of losing their syphon and emptying your display tank all over the floor.
Ah OK thanks don't think the family would be too happy having to swim to turn the telly on lol. I will look into it some more and see what I come up with. Would I need more live rock as the water volume would be larger?
Those TMC Aquarays look nice, not too badly priced either compared to the Luminaire system by the looks of it. How do you go about calculating the wattage needed with these though? My 2ft tank is around 50cm deep so would I be looking at needing a double?
The aquarays are not the ones that are coming out soon. You need quite a few sets to get enough PAR low down in the tank.

TMC are about to bring out the Array which has been likened to Halides and will be more competively priced.

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