Owls 24g D&d Nano

sorry here we go. i much prefer it this way still so much detritus to get rid of. need more frags and clean up crew(only got 2 hermits now lol)

uploaded from my phone so not the best quality but you get the idea.


hope you like all comments welcome
the rest of that coralline will be coming off when i get the tools lol yeh i got miffed off when i couldnt get the coralline off and ripped all corals out set them on the table and rebuild as best i could. think ive hid some zoas tho but at least i found the medusa frag i lost last time i moved stuff lol
There can be advantages to cleaning that thoroughly. Medusa probably worth finding over losing some zoas aswell. Zoas will grow anywhere, will be able to find those again.

very true now jus need some rock coverage. would love some acans, duncans and some other nice lps

You have good taste in LPS.

Are you going for SPS besides the hysterix??

Plating would not be good, not enough room but a few nice seratioporas, monitis and pocilloporas would look good. (may be too many there, but hey, you could frag them.
sure there is a pic of my big monti 'frag' in my first post and i have a stylopora(i think) id also like some cyanarias

You will have to excuse me at times, my eye test is long overdue. Issues with disabled parking close to the opticians, ie there is none, its a pedestrian area.

Of course you have a monti, how stupid of me.

If the stylophora (you think) is like buddys (green), then it is, there is a pinky purpley one aswell. Nice coral, I want one myself. Funny, was not bothered about SPS till I got this tank, like quite a few of them now.
yeh me and buddyboy got them from the same guy. one of my lights has packed it tho so must get that fixed or hang the halide i have over it.
im considering adding a few more fish

ps sorry if that sounded cheeky when i said about having them wasnt intended lol.
ps sorry if that sounded cheeky when i said about having them wasnt intended lol.

Not at all, I am a little blind sometimes and need the obvious pointing out occasionally. Don't worry not offended at all. Just need a blooming eye test. I also think I spend too much time at the computer whilst at home, it does affect your eyes, you also don't see obvious things after a while either.
The tank is looking good mate and i agree with the others comments with regards to the new aquascaping, it does look alot better and makes better use of the tank space you have. Also I really like the flameback, I used to have one in my tank till i lost most of my livestock through whitespot but it is a very interesting little angel.

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