Search results

  1. ox5477

    Worst Film Ever Watched.

    I saw somebody mention house of wax.... and I agree. The movie itself...awful... but I think it should get a solid C in my book because of the fact that you get to see somebody throw a metal pole through Paris Hilton's head! The rest of the movie could of been 2 old ladies knitting and it...
  2. ox5477

    New Dwarf Arowana

    You have found a fish with an napoleon complex.... maybe you can get an article in PFK... ha Ox :good:
  3. ox5477

    Diablo Iii

    Either of you guys seen this f'in Online Petition stuff? This is getting a little crazy. I think these guys should chill out and wait to see what happens with the game before they sh*t all over a pilot gameplay video that for all we know is nothing like what the real game is going to be...
  4. ox5477

    Right Here, Right Now....

    My desk at work... Ox :good:
  5. ox5477

    Do Fish Recognize Their Owners?

    The fish atleast recognize you as a bringer of food as most have said... but I know mine seem to think every time I come near the tank I am going to clean it as well as at first, they stop and kind of wonder what I'm doing (they hate when I vac, everyone crowds into one corner). But as soon as...
  6. ox5477

    Keeping My Tank Cool.

    Google magic..... 82F is 27.8C 30C is 86F Ox :good:
  7. ox5477

    Without Light

    Exactly, there are cloudy days in nature and for some seasons it can be dark and gloomy for what seems like weeks on end (we western new yorkers wouldn't know anything about that.... :rolleyes: ) So the fish won't get worried or frek out. As long as there is ambient light in the room, they...
  8. ox5477

    For Possibly Setting Up A Dwarf Cichlid Tank

    Exerpt explaining ther role of peat in home aquaria: Hope this helps.... link to original website Beginner FAQ: Water Chemistry Ox :good:
  9. ox5477


    The best I can say is to search google. When I wanted info on them (out of pure curiosity), I searched for them and found 5 or 6 good sites with consistent information on its adult size and environmental needs. I could prob recopy alot of that info by why re-write it. Just search on google...
  10. ox5477

    Convict Fish Fry?

    Well doesnt look like you posted over in the new worlds section so I'll come to you. Beyond livebearers, prob one of the easiest fish to get to breed are convict cichlids. They will readily pair with almost any member of the opposite sex of their species and then before you know it, you're...
  11. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Well something bad... but prob my fault so.... my dominant (dont know whether it was female or male) yellow canary wrasse decided to play superman and landed behind my home theater system. I found it yesterday afternoon when trying to tweek the sound... I had wondered where it was seeing as how...
  12. ox5477

    My First Pics Properly Posted

    Maybe a species of Killifish? Tanks look nice Ox :good:
  13. ox5477

    Keeping My Tank Cool.

    So if the lights are warming up the water... two solutions... either the light is way more power than you need (only have goldfish and they dont care how bright or powerful the light is) or you have the light too close to the water. In either case, raise the light off the current height its at...
  14. ox5477

    Diablo Iii

    Def, that was my worst fear for this... that they think we want it like wow.... and that couldn't be farthest from the truth. I have nevered played wow and never will and I would be dissappointed if they tried to imprint the formula from wow onto diablo.... if they did, I would just keep playing...
  15. ox5477

    New Dwarf Arowana

    really insteresting if it stays small (relative to its species) and lives a happy and healthy life. Might show that dwarfism may appear in other species as well Ox :good:
  16. ox5477

    Help With Percula Clownfish

    ok... well didnt mention that. I guess my fault for assuming thats what happened.... Ox :good:
  17. ox5477

    Massive Damage

    I would recommend placing a plastic sheet under the rug as well... this should stop as moisture transfer and with the rug... you won't even see it Ox :good:
  18. ox5477

    Temp Help!

    tank water should feel slightly cold to the touch. A water temp of 76 to 80F is less than you body and even less still than your skin temp... so if it doesn't have a slight cold feeling to it, then its prob too hot... Ox :good:
  19. ox5477

    Help A Newb Raise A Betta

    I am no expert, and there is a whole betta section on TFF... so for future you may want to post there for questions on bettas... but, it is true that they can live in very small pools of water with poor water quality for periods of time as I believe in the wild they can be stranded in puddles...
  20. ox5477

    Help With Percula Clownfish

    Im sure you reposted, but I will say this... clowns are very agressive to other members of their species so prob the one killed the other and with the one dieing, it may have begun to decay (depending on long the shipment time was) and leached hazardous waste chemicals into the water. Even the...
  21. ox5477

    Diablo Iii

    Ya, I would assume they need somethign like each of the D2 chars. Barb obv is the barb, witchdoctor is necro/druid. I would think something maybe like zon/assassin like a ranger, and then a pally type healer... but they may already have plans for an expansion so they may hold out on one or two...
  22. ox5477

    Diablo Iii

    If you watch the Artwork trailer, it shows a few pictures that might be indications of the classes.... First up, what appears to be a female druid (Has a Wolf head as cap and holding snake) Second, a female and male mage were shown (could be baddies or what the sorcs will look like) Third...
  23. ox5477

    My 260l Tank

    Nice bud... the background makes the tank look like it goes on for quite a few feet. Good Job Ox :good:
  24. ox5477

    Fish Idea For 125 Gal. Tank

    Its amazing how large shoaling fish are so ravenous when it comes to feeding time. When I kept bala's the food would normally not have a chance to hit the bottom of the tank before it would be gobbled up. And now, my sd's are like little pirannha's... picking up the algae wafers or whole krill...
  25. ox5477

    Compatability In My 300 Litre Tank?!

    yep, filtration is not the problem. You could have 20x turnover in this tank and the problem is the issue with territroy. All cichlids are territorial fish and will defend their plot of earth to hunt in, breed and rear young... any competition in that territory is a threat to their purpose in...
  26. ox5477

    Garbage Plate

    As the title says, if you are ever in Rochester you need to stop into any local "Hots" shop and get a garbage plate. For info, you can see videos of people eating them on Youtube and here is the link to the website of the originator of the garbage plate: Nick Thou's Trust me... this is...
  27. ox5477

    My 260l Tank

    Sorry mate... stupid me, it says the size of the tank right in the title! ha When you say 2 x krib pair does that mean you have two pairs or two of them which are a pair? Cause with the gourami and 2 pairs of kribs plus the ram, I think you'd be cutting the territories very tight. Ox :good:
  28. ox5477

    Can Fish Be Temporarily Stunned/unconsious?

    If was floating upside down with no movement then it was most likely stunned and it prob recieved damage to its swim bladder. This is damage that is nearly if not completely impossible to come back from. So, when the fish came back it most likely had to work much harder to swim normally and...
  29. ox5477

    Best Food For Fish Is Fish

    Feeders from the lfs are awful for any fish, I dont care if its a piscavore or not. The feeder guppies and goldies are inaddequatly fed (most of the time) and live in very overstocked tanks. Therefore they offer little nutrition of value to your fish as well as they have a very good chance of...
  30. ox5477

    Lost Over 8 000 Guppies

    Sorry Ludwig. I hope it really was an accidental "mis-feeding" and thats it.... Ox :good:
  31. ox5477

    Picture Of My Rugby Team

    I played Rugby in college and I must say that I thought it to be much more fun than American Football (which I played roughly from age 10 to 18), especially since the big guys can touch the ball. I dont know if it goes along with rugby around the world as well, but I have more memories of...
  32. ox5477

    Angel Fish

    Thats the great and sometimes puzzling thing about cichlids. Each fish has is very own quirks and personality. To say a genenralization about a species can usually make the person who made the statement look foolish, but it is not the persons fault, it is just that we try to make...
  33. ox5477

    Most Asked Questions

    Couple of fun questions from two of the more specialists sections: New worlds: "Can I have 2 oscars, 3 severums, 6 fm's, and 6 cons in a 55G tank? The lfs said it was fine because they are all under 2 inches..." <- Seen more than I really want too Salty Side: "Can I have two nemos, an...
  34. ox5477

    No Ammonia This Afternoon

    I gotta say, its quite impressive how you've become the unsung and unofficial mother of the newbie section Miss Wiggle. Seen quite a few posts that call you out specifically and even more replies to your advice that name you as, o how is it said... "a fish god." Haha, keep up the good work...
  35. ox5477

    Nintendo Ds Or Psp

    Totally unrelated to this topic, just wanted to say props to smurfy for having a Maddox poster as their avatar Ox :good:
  36. ox5477

    Would A Ram Fit

    yep, since it is still quite small, it is in its juvenile habits of grouping with others for protection, but once it comes to the realization that it can bully and hold its own, it most likely will become a terror. And yes, a tank upgrade would be an ace idea Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Diablo Iii

    .... Come on Grandpa... computer games arn't cool anymore. But if you have played the diablo series since the original groundbreaking game from 1997, then you have to get a little wet with the announcment this weekend of D3..... finally. I mean Starcraft II looks awesome and I plan on...
  38. ox5477

    Need Opions - Done Something Very Stupid

    Good work @om. Gotta love these few little slip-ups that make you go Doh! :X Alls well now and Im sure everything in your nano is salivating to get over to the big tank and stretch out Ox :good:
  39. ox5477

    My 260l Tank

    Nice Bricko. What size is the tank? Do you see any aggression from the kissing gourami? They can turn into monsters so I hope he is a gentle giant and doesn't start attacking your livebearers in with it. Ox :good:
  40. ox5477

    Helpppppp Golden Severums

    What are your water stats? What sized tank is this? How big are the fish? Sounds like a good case of aggression due to confined spaces or poor water quality (this especially cause of the bulging eyes). Ox :good: