My 260l Tank


Apr 25, 2008
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Some photos of my favourite fish in my Juwel 260 vision.


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My Glass Catfish, I love these guys. Used to be really shy and hide in a log together but now they are always out sitting against the flow in the tank waiting for food!


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Pinky, this is quite an old photo, he / she is about 6 1/2 inch long now!


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Nice Bricko. What size is the tank? Do you see any aggression from the kissing gourami? They can turn into monsters so I hope he is a gentle giant and doesn't start attacking your livebearers in with it.

Ox :good:
Its 260 litres approx 55 UK gallons.

No the gourami is actually quite gentle and doesnt really bother anyone exept the outlet pipe for the external filter which he enjoy wrapping around until the water fires him to the other side of the tank! He only seems to do this at night, had me kind of worried at first but I honestly believe he is just amusing himself :)

Stocking list is as follows.

5 x panda cories
2 x skunk cories
1 x bronze cory
19 x Glowlight Tetra
4 x swordtails (all male born in tank 2 years ago)
3 x guppies 2 female, 1 male again all bred in tank.
54 x glass cat fish
2 x breeding Bristle nose plecs, several batches of babies (not sure how many will survive but I have spotted 1 over 1inch now.
1 x kribensis pair Only Male left, RIP Female
1 x pink gourami RIP Buddy
1 x GB Ram (Male) lost the female :-(
2 x botia loach
3 x False SAE
8 x Japonica shrimp, maybe more!

I think the tank is a little overstocked possibly but my water stats are alway excellent (0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 20 nitrate)and I have a regular weekly maintenance schedule. The tank is also very over filtered with an internal 1000LPH pump and a Fluval 305 external pump.

I will post some more photos of the whole tank when I get a chance.

Please feel free to advise on the tank and its inhabitants, I know the kribs may become a nuisance and may even eat my shrimp but they have been housed in here through neccessity due to other tank issues, currently they a quite placid though so fingers crossed.
Sorry mate... stupid me, it says the size of the tank right in the title! ha

When you say 2 x krib pair does that mean you have two pairs or two of them which are a pair?

Cause with the gourami and 2 pairs of kribs plus the ram, I think you'd be cutting the territories very tight.

Ox :good:
Full Tankshot (Almost)

...and another


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Nice bud... the background makes the tank look like it goes on for quite a few feet. Good Job

Ox :good:
Thanks ox & adam, Tried to get an impression of depth by using a background similar to the objects within the tank achieving several 'layers' for thought of a better word. The large piece of rock (covered in algae!) really helps with this also in my opinion.

Cheers Bricko,
Cheers paul, stuggle to remember what is in there sometimes! Fun at feeding time though :)
Just so you know, the gourami will get to be 10-12 inches full grown. He may end up eating the tetras...

Tank looks nice though, really natural. Fish look good too!
Thanks DiscusLova,

I have had the kissing Gourami 2 1/2 years now. He was my first fish :) and seems to get on ok with all the other fish. I am aware however of his potential size and would rehome him if he became too much trouble. Hopefully it won't come to that though ;)

Speaking of rehoming fish, my Krib parents and 30+ fry are currently coralling the entire tank into the opposite corner which they decide to be in!! This would not be too big a problem if they would stop in one section of the tank but they decide to take the kids on a stroll all around the place!!! They are very cute TBH and have not (as yet) done any phsical damage to any other fish. I have a (soon to be) spare 65L tank which may well become their permanent new home if they start to terrorise everything.

Some pictures below...

Female and Male Kribs


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