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  1. ox5477

    Convict Cichlids Questions

    I'm sorry if I sounded a little condesending there with the "Have you done any research on convict cichlids?" :blush: Just shocked me when you said 20... haha I was expecting maybe 4 at the most. I would recommend you find a commited place to rehome the ones who dont pair before you commit...
  2. ox5477

    Convict Cichlids Questions

    20? Thats a little too many. You need a very large tank for all of them to grow to adulthood. I wouldnt put more than 3 or 4 individuals or a single pair of cons in your 55.... Have you done any research on convict cichlids? Ox :good:
  3. ox5477

    Male Guppies In One Tank?

    hmmm... im no expert... but I dont think they would mind eachother. All they care about is females. If you put in a single female into that, the female would prob be dead within 24 hours of being stressed by the males to breed. Post in the livebearer section and you will prob get a better...
  4. ox5477

    Convict Cichlids Questions

    well I keep 6 khuli's in with my full grown JD, but this is a rare exception I think. He has lived with them since he was a small juve so I think he is actually more afraid of them! If you buy them young, you may be able to try it, but I would keep the cons well fed and they shouldnt go after...
  5. ox5477

    New Tank Water

    I dont remember the exact reason, but it should be done. Its something about going through the RO process where it needs to recover or somethign like that. Mixing a briney solution in with some freshly made RO isnt the best. You still have unaged water your mizing in with the briney solution...
  6. ox5477

    Mopani Wood Leaching Tannis

    Ya, it usually will take longer than a couple hours even when boiling. the tannins are infused throughout the wood and it takes time to get it all out. The wood I have, even after soaking it for a month, changing the water every day, still made my tank go a little dark when I first put it in...
  7. ox5477

    Need Somewhere To Put This Or I Cant Get It

    well if you can operate a hammer or power driver, you could pretty easily DIY a stand. It really isnt hard, just need to cut the wood to length and make sure you build it so its braced to hold the weight. I think there are plenty of DIY threads or maybe a main one in the Hardware section. If...
  8. ox5477


    as wiggle and JenCliBee have stated, Oscars need large tanks, even by themselves. Females get to about 10 to 12" and males can reach upwards of 14 to 15". Plus, they are very messy eaters, taking in food chewing it and letting bits and pieces fall out of their mouths/gills. So, a good...
  9. ox5477

    Angelfish Stocking Question

    I agree with waterdrop. Angels are cichlids and can be predatory towards smaller fish/inverts. If the angels grow up with them then they may have a chance to not see them as food, but when they are adults, who knows. If they are kept well fed then you should have no worry about them trying to...
  10. ox5477

    Help Me

    Well did you just add the HB maybe a week ago to the 3G? that is a small water volume and adding even a smaller fish could cause a mini-cycle to happen, especially since you only have shrimps as the other stocking (little to no bioload). Keep doing wc's until you see the nitrite dissappear and...
  11. ox5477

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Ha! It was older... didnt even look at the date.... o well... my constructive criticism still stands :D Beyond that, looks very good. Maybe hi-lite the part where you say take the fish back and start a fishless cycle too as this is the most ideal situation. Ox :good:
  12. ox5477

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Wow Miss Wiggle, we gonna see new pin topic from you every week now? If so, gonna be nothing left for us to do but point to the pinned topics by next year! Haha. One thing... very unimportant but it is with respect to wording in the first or second paragraph. your talking about the bacteria...
  13. ox5477

    Mixing Africans And South Americans

    While they may be the "less agressive" africans, I believe that any african cichlids will beat up on new worlds, especially the more peaceful dwarf species. I wouldn't take the risk in mixing them, but that is more because I really don't have a good feel for the african species..... Ox :good:
  14. ox5477

    Foot In Mouth

    Yep, Google magic!! Gotta love it... will convert anything to something else if it can Ox :good:
  15. ox5477

    Silicone Drying Time

    Well it will prob dry within an hour or two. But, it needs to "cure," similar to what concrete goes through (usually dry in a matter of hours but usually takes a few weeks to fully cure). Prob in 24 to 48 hrs you will be good to go (depending on how thick the silicone is (thicker = longer...
  16. ox5477

    Take What You Get

    If I'm paying over $3 or $4 per fish.... im picking it... but if its the 5/$2 common common schoolers... no need to make a fuss Ox :good:
  17. ox5477

    My Weekend Trip Part 5

    The river otters enclosure is sweet. Would look awesome with 50 to 100 New world cichlid individuals... Of course the otters would have to go, but I think it would be worth it :D Ox :good:
  18. ox5477

    Tank Layout Advice

    Is that the stand you are planning on using for the tank? Cause if it is, then you need to find or build a better stand. The stand should support all edges of the tank with no edges over hanging. And for untempered glass, the whole of the bottom pane should be supported as well. Glass that...
  19. ox5477

    When Can I Put Corals And Friends In?

    yep, as long as there is no major changes in chemistry by adding the rock... then you can begin to add come of the more basic corals such as mushrooms Ox :good:
  20. ox5477

    Still Nano?

    I believe by definition, anything under 30G is a nano, under 5G is a pico... Ox :good:
  21. ox5477

    Juvenile Green Terror Getting Color?

    No need to worry. Females can have much personality and be as boistorous as males. True, they will not grow the nuchal hump as this is likened to antlers for male deer, but they are still cichlids and should be stocked for accordingly as they can be territorial as well. Glad somebody else...
  22. ox5477

    Do Firemouth School Together?

    They are still juveniles. When young, most fish whether schooling or not stay together for safety. There will be a certain point where they no longer feel the need for this group safety and one or more of the fm's might get seriously picked on and/or hurt.... keep a watchful eye on them as...
  23. ox5477

    Centre Piece Fishes

    Well for the weight concern, I would feel confident in putting a 90G (~350L) in most structures on any floor as long as it is placed correctly (perpendicular to joists and up against load bearing wall). So I wouldnt worry about weight unless your cresting 100G or ~400L... then it starts to...
  24. ox5477

    Filter Problems

    well if your filter gets clogged up with gunk, there is no need to chuck it. If you syphon out a bucket of water and then just wave the cartridge in the bucket to loosen up any gunk on it, the bacteria will be fine and it will give a good cleaning. You could ring it a little too if you want...
  25. ox5477

    Aquarium Salt

    Well I would assume they use it cause almost every batch of fish they get has a tank illness whether that be ich, fungus or any other common disease. Salt is recommmened during treatment of disease to help the fish heal. How it helps, I don't know the exact science so couldn't say, but I know...
  26. ox5477

    Stocking Around Rams

    Well rams are peaceful towards any shoaling fish. Would look into cardinal teatras over neons as they are much more hardy. Also look into increasing the number of khuli's to 6 and maybe adding some cory's and possibly some danios. There are really a good amount of choices you could go with...
  27. ox5477

    Getting There

    Maybe a taller piece of wood to really be the centerpiece as well. Ox :good:
  28. ox5477


    Im a cichlid guy so thats what I would do. Might look into an African set-up as I've never done one before, but I love the personalities of the New Worlds. Or another marine tank, maybe a small pred tank. Ox :good:
  29. ox5477

    Centre Piece Fishes

    gets the idea across ;) Ox :good:
  30. ox5477


    Yep Ox :good:
  31. ox5477

    Fake Or Real?

    it's pressure holding it in. The top of the tall section is sealed. So therefore, the weight of the water pulling down is balanced by the pressure of the outer atmosphere pushing down on the lower pool of water. Its a pressure equalization. If the water moves down, then the pressure above...
  32. ox5477


    yes, tank will be suitable for maybe 2 or 3 months at max. After that either your going to need an upgrade unless you get rid of all three. If you keep one, a 75 to 90G tank will do. for two, a 125 to 150G is needed. for all three 180G+ is needed. FYI ~3.78L = 1 US gallon....... so 130L is...
  33. ox5477

    Juvenile Green Terror Getting Color?

    Thats my guess, but like I said, I get confused too by the different variations so I would hope somebody that knows better will advise on this. Ox :good:
  34. ox5477


    Yep, for 3 individual (unpaired) adult oscars to have enough territory to feel comfortable, you will need 180G+ sized tank. And they will eat most all of those fish. SD's will be fine would recommend 4 more as shoals 6+ are best for their stress level staying down. Silver sharks grow huge...
  35. ox5477

    Juvenile Green Terror Getting Color?

    Ya, no need to seperate if you dont see constant fireworks. Part of any cichlids nature to sort things out with a fight here or there. Ox :good:
  36. ox5477

    We Know Where You Live, Now Where Do You Work?

    Do you get payed during those two months? Or can you choose a plan like teachers get where then choose to get payed only during the school year or all year round you you dont have two months with no income? Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Fake Or Real?

    Theres been tons of posts on this and seen it being sold all over the internet. It is real. Uses the same principle as putting an upside down glass in water and when pulling it out, fluid level in the cup stays the same even though the level on the outside is lower with respect. Real Ox :good:
  38. ox5477

    Aggression Or Territorialism In Danios

    well in the long run, it will slow down the cycle, but for the health of the fish, it would be best to do the water changes to minimize amount of nitrite in the water. Though, I believe zebra danios are one of the prefered fish to use in a fish cycle due to them being so hardy so maybe they...
  39. ox5477

    Juvenile Green Terror Getting Color?

    well as it grows, the coloration of the gill plate and jawline along with the color along the dorsal and tail fins should become much more vibrant as a part maturation. The second pic looks like the stress bars are showing and this could be an indication of being picked on by the parrot. How...
  40. ox5477

    Juvenile Green Terror Getting Color?

    EDIT... double post.... sorry