

New Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Just got myself 3 oscars this morning. Still quite small, around 4 - 5 cm.

In the tank I also have;
2 Silver Dollars
4 Buenos Aries
1 Black Widow
1 Gold Platty
2 Catfish
1 Silver Shark

Apart from the platty and cats the oscars are the smallest in there for now. They seem to be enjoying there new home.
lol most of them fish will be eaten in time im sure:p

how big is ur tank? oscars get considerably big!!!!

Yep, for 3 individual (unpaired) adult oscars to have enough territory to feel comfortable, you will need 180G+ sized tank. And they will eat most all of those fish.

SD's will be fine would recommend 4 more as shoals 6+ are best for their stress level staying down. Silver sharks grow huge (12"+) and also like to be in shoals 6+.

What species of cat do you ahve? are they plecos or more typical cat species?
My tank is 125 - 130 litres. Don't know how many gallons that is but guessing no where near the 180 as suggested.

As to my cats, no idea what they are but they're not plecos.
that about 30 us gallon not big enough for 1 oscar never mind 3 i personally would take them bck 2 ur LFS and replace with somethink slighlty more suitable for ur tank size but remember the sharks get ery large 2 and will outgrow that tank but u also need 2 remeber that they 2 when bigger will possible eat anythink they can fit in there moouths sorry about the advice not wot u expected 2 hear im imagining lol.

but... .. hey at least u know now :)

yes, tank will be suitable for maybe 2 or 3 months at max. After that either your going to need an upgrade unless you get rid of all three. If you keep one, a 75 to 90G tank will do. for two, a 125 to 150G is needed. for all three 180G+ is needed.

FYI ~3.78L = 1 US gallon....... so 130L is roughly 30-40G

Post a pic of your cats. Im sure we can id them for you.... a word of note... usually not wise to buy fish you know nothing about. Could be buying a tankbuster (huge adult size) for a relatively small tank... or could be extremely aggressive or predatory and kill or eat all your fish...

Ox :good:
Yes, take them back, that tank is nowhere near big enough and most of your other fish will be lunch. I have 1 oscar in my 70g and he makes that look small! But if you have the tank space (or plan on upgrading soon) they really are wonderful fish!
considering oscars can reach 15" adult size and grow real fast, they need a large tank stright away and your 30g probably 36" long is just oer double the length of the fish not realy a good idea huh?
do the best thing and take them back unless you can get a 75g for just one (i dont suggest you get a 180 for all 3 because unless they are paired they will fight and if 2 do pair then one will get killed)

Good luck
Thanks for all the welcomed advice.
They went back today, sniff. Think I'll be getting another tank very soon.
Good for you! Hopefully you can get a bigger tank. They really are wonderful fish! I love mine although he needs a bit of an attitude re-adjustment :lol:

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