Still Nano?


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2006
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Hey guys... Im movin out of my apartment and in with family... and thought it would be esier to switch tanks now... and sell my old one... on of my coworkers is going to buy my 28 bow... for a seahorse tank anyways.... the new tank is a regular 29g aga tank tank and stand were free in the local clasifieds used as sw tank so no worries of copper meds.. and was tested for leaks and cracks.. all good there.. with a 2.5g aquafuge hang on the back refugium I wanted the regular tank so I could drill it for a sump in the near future. with my bow drilling a calfo system .. bit more tricky as it has a mirror back and a tempered bottom. soooo makin it esier on myself... but that means it would be over 30 gallons(113 liters) eventually it will be a 50g system (128 liters)

is this still thought of as a nano... I know it is right on the edge I love this paticular forum... anyways... I will update with pictures in a few days after I get it all set up.. I set up the actual tank today with mixed water and sand and thought I would give it a day to let the sand settle before I put my livestock in it... that is happening tomarrow or the next day.... though... lol im cheating on the lighting and saving myself a couple hundred dollars as Im going to use my 24" 130 watt pc on my 30" new tank as it would have the same wattage of lights.. just longer light. bought two pieces of 4x4 wood to go across the top so that I dont have it on the glass. I will eventually upgrade but not as of right now. going to focus on my corals for a bit... Im finding I love zoos and leathers and mushrooms more than I thought I would. anyways... wish me luck ... pics soon to come.
I believe by definition, anything under 30G is a nano, under 5G is a pico...

Ox :good:

It varies between people, but i agree with you, some say under 3 gallon is pico, under 40 gallon is nano etc.
maybe I could just lurk.... you guys are sooo knowedgeble (sp? lol)
Doesn't really matter in some respects, so you are still welcome to post and recieve replies in this section. We are not going to ostrasize you over a few gallons. So I like Ski will await the pics......Stop lurking and get on with it. LOL
So I like Ski will await the pics......Stop lurking and get on with it. LOL

lol... alright alright... pics tomarrow morning then.. once Ive got everything in :) yeah. Ilove this forum... maybe you could even call me obsessed... I read new posts first thing when I wake up before work and it is the first place I hit when I get back... and usually keep it on till I go to sleep. lol

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