Convict Cichlids Questions


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
Niagara Falls, New York
Can Convicts go with my Kuhli Loaches, or will they eat them? I may be getting some convicts later today or tomorrow. I will relocate my other fish into my other tanks, but would like to keep my loaches in the 55 if its possible.
well I keep 6 khuli's in with my full grown JD, but this is a rare exception I think. He has lived with them since he was a small juve so I think he is actually more afraid of them!

If you buy them young, you may be able to try it, but I would keep the cons well fed and they shouldnt go after them for predation. Now another story is if you get a pair. Cons are some of the fierest parents in the cichlid world. All cichlids will defend their eggs and babies very aggressivly, but cons can be extra aggressive and with that, you might see some agression towards the khuli's and any other stocking in the tank if you get a breeding pair. Any FYI... they are almost as prolific breeders as livebearers... almost a JAW fish.

Ox :good:
20? Thats a little too many. You need a very large tank for all of them to grow to adulthood. I wouldnt put more than 3 or 4 individuals or a single pair of cons in your 55....

Have you done any research on convict cichlids?

Ox :good:
I plan to rehome most of them. I want to try to get a pair or 2 then rehome the rest. Not sure how to tell when they are paired up though. I still have some research to do on them. I may not be able to get them as the lady hasnt emailed me back.
I'm sorry if I sounded a little condesending there with the "Have you done any research on convict cichlids?" :blush: Just shocked me when you said 20... haha I was expecting maybe 4 at the most.

I would recommend you find a commited place to rehome the ones who dont pair before you commit to buying these cons as Im sure what happened to the lady who your buying them from, could happen to you (cons start breeding and then you have more babies then you can imagine).

Cons stay relativily small compared to other members of the cichladae family but they still have all the aggression... so with 2 pairs in the 55G tank, you could be asking for trouble if both lay eggs at roughly the same time... major battles. So I would recommend only one pair.

Ox :good:

EDIT: didnt even read the last part of your post. To tell if a pair has formed, you will see the two swimming together around the tank and will do swimming circle, in which they will lip-lock (the male showing he is strong enough and has good genes). Also, you will see the two cleaning out a "pit" in the substrate or cleaning off a piece of slate or a clay pot which will be wear they will lay their eggs and raise the young.

For the sexes as well... males are usually larger with pointier tips to its anal and dorsal fin than female. and the female will develop a orange coloration to her belly.
Thank you for your help. I have a few homes for them lined up. My brother's 100 gallon tank is just about done cycling so he said he would take some and 2 of our friends have empty 55's and they said they would take some. I am also looking at getting either another 55 or a larger tank as soon as I can find a good deal on one. I am slowly in the process of turning my basement into my tank room.

Oh yeah I am getting them for FREE. I think I put craigslist on the other post but its actually from Freecycle.

Thank You again.
once your cons are paired they will become very violent. i had to remove my pair because the other fish were too scared to enjoy a good swim now and then.

mine mated, layed eggs, and were seperated within 3 weeks of me getting them.

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