Stocking Around Rams


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, United States
Hello everyone,

When I moved back home from college I sold all of my fish to the LFS there and have now set a tank with heavy plant cover and I was wondering if anyone could help me stock the tank. It is a 55 gallon tank, and is currently home to 3 khuli loaches and 1 common plec. I was wondering if anyone could help me pick some other tank mates. I would like to add some German Blue Rams, and have them be the centerpiece; so I would like to stock around that idea. I was thinking about doing neon tetras as well as Galaxy Rasboras. Does anyone have any input on this or better ideas? Maybe a second type of cichlid to add? Thanks for any help!
Well rams are peaceful towards any shoaling fish. Would look into cardinal teatras over neons as they are much more hardy. Also look into increasing the number of khuli's to 6 and maybe adding some cory's and possibly some danios. There are really a good amount of choices you could go with...

Ox :good:

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