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  1. F

    Pics Of Gibraltar

    Pretty cool, Ill be going to Spain and some other European countries in a couple months, the little english colony looks nice.
  2. F

    I Thought Katrina Was Bad....

    lol, Im lost for words...... DD it wasnt what you said, so clam down, it was somewhat funny.
  3. F

    I Thought Katrina Was Bad....

    I dont see why there is problem with bush, he isnt a bad president, actually I think he is a good president, but think what you want.
  4. F


    I know Ive looked up the flame angel. Well its ok, thanks for the alternatives Navarre.
  5. F

    clown loaches

    lol....clown are very social fish. Alone it would probaly die. They usually reach 8 inches but 12 inches can be reached just get a big tank.
  6. F


    Owuldnt buying a sponge filter be the easier route though? They arent that expensive.
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    Whats preventing you from...

  8. F


    lol They are very nice looking fish. Think Im coming up with a stocking list - 1 Flame angel - 2 ocellarios or percula clownfish - 1 firefish How does it sound? Too much?
  9. F


    Can a flame angel be put into a 20 gallon for a lifetime wit 2 clownfish?
  10. F

    Steps to setting up

    I never have heard of these skimmers, might be hard to find where I live just cause its the states and not the UK. Ill make some calls tommarow see if I can find one, if not how about the Seaclone? Or any type of berlin skimmers? Or even red sea skimmers?
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    Steps to setting up

    I do plan on keeping coral thats why Im getting new lighting instead of the fw lighting I have now. As for the skimmer I plan on buying one, but I want a good one, any suggestions?
  12. F

    Steps to setting up

    Ive been wanting to set up one for months now, hopefully this summer is the time it can happen. But one question lets say I bought a r/o unit and salt and a powerhead, its all filled with water, well some LR takes room, and I just buy a couple pounds at a time while still getting the equiment...
  13. F

    New Tank List

    I know how it is coming from michigan we are prepared to well too. :sad:
  14. F

    Steps to setting up

    I will be swtiching eventually, but its a matter that I just dont have the money. This summer tho I will be able to start to save up for a switch but here is my idea. What if I just buy everything in stages, that way the tank cycles and I can buy everything a a pace my income will let me. Is it...
  15. F

    New checklist

    Do you like them? :unsure:
  16. F

    Stock ideas

    Wait what happened to your firemouths?
  17. F

    Fish with personalities

    Clowns do swim cool.
  18. F

    New checklist

    No sharks really fit the tank, and red finned shark but its semi agressive. Rams, which are in the fish index in this site, are active and colorful. The minnows should be fine.
  19. F

    New checklist

    Its good asking questions. Clown loaches are a huge no no. They grow to 12 inches, ususally 8, but you need a 75 gallon for them. As for the minnows they should be fine, its the fact their cold water fish. Sorry to say but all the fish you want you cant really have, you can have some, but not...
  20. F

    Some parents are so funny when it comes to fish!

    Mrs my mom has the same type of problem, "Stick with what you have." My dad on the other hand is very different. He under stands when I return fish, and when I buy new ones. Plus he gives his opinon on the style of the tank, its nice.
  21. F

    New checklist

    White clouds are a type of minnow.
  22. F

    water changes

    As stated above its for waste removal, but most of all its to put fresh water into the tank.
  23. F

    New checklist

    I would rethink your stocking choice, The minnows are cold water fish and are schooling fish. The neons are schooling fish and are tropical fish. The guppies, will reproduce like crazy. If your into livebeares go for them but you shouldnt go for the minnows, just up the neon school to like 10...
  24. F

    Should I?

    Dwarf you make a good point. Its not that I wont listen its just a hard decision, they have growen on me, well the ram has but the cuckatoos are starting. Im going to sleep on it and think, idk what to do.
  25. F


    Your right, been really busy letly and kinda havent done my waterchange or cleaning for a couple weeks. I will do three this week and three next week to prepare for the 2 weeks of finals where there wont be much time for waterchanges. Thanks for the advice.
  26. F

    Should I?

    Guys the cuckatoos and rams lived nicly together in my tank, there isnt any fueds, the only problem is the male betta which will be gone soon, Im fish sitting for a friend, he just had too many bettas and not enough tanks at the time. As for selling ethier or not really a case for me unless I...
  27. F

    Should I?

    Recently my favorite fish died because of fin rot, my female ram. The other fish are doing fine, but I dont know weither or not to add another ram. My stocking is in my pro, so please no spam, "Whats the stock and tank size?" Im updating right this second, and yes I know the clowns need to be...
  28. F

    Gold Rams

    My german blue rams have a dark marking thru the eye. My male and female are healthy well just my male is, my female died today becuase of fin rot :-( .Besides that I have had them for 6 months and they are did/doing excellent.
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    Tough Plants

    Java fern is the unkillable. I had convicts and my Java ferns did fine.
  30. F

    New checklist

    300 watts, sorry but thats crazy. It reallys depends on where you live I guess, well not really. I live in Michigan and my tank, 20 gallon, can stay above 80 during the winter with a 100 watt heater. I would upgrade, but not a 300, half that. Gte a 150 watt heater. The guideline is usually 50...
  31. F


    :-( :-( I guess its goodbye to my favortive fish in the tank, this sucks. She had a personality, and she knew me, the only fish in the tank who does. well did. Thanks wilder for your help, but I came just to late. :sad: :-( I just went and checked, and she has passed away. :-( She has been in...
  32. F


    You mean this is the end? I went to the store bought Melaflex and a huge breeder net :sad: I hope I can save her, she was imroving this morning then her condtion took a horrible turn. :-( Maybe there a chance I hope.
  33. F


    :sad: Well her eyes are black and fins are the same, damaged, and just 5 minutes ago when I got hom her back is bent and she is draging her head in the breeder net I put her in. HELP please I love this fish, please. :sad: :-(
  34. F

    i think im witnessing a snail outbreak

    kuhli loaches are not botias so they dont love nsials like other loaches do. The best way to get rid of the pests, pond snails, is put lettuce in the tank overnight and in the morining take it out, reeat till all snails are gone.
  35. F


    Her fins are torn apart. I just noticed now because I have been busy all week. Please help. I believe I know the problem but I dont know how to spell the second word, Im to tired. All Ill say is it starts with fin r.... I dont know how to treat it though, Help fast!
  36. F

    Tropical Marine Tank

    Thts overstocking tho, be careful!
  37. F


    I have to say rmas even though I like my cockatoos. My female comes to the glass when I come to the tank, its so cool.
  38. F

    Tropical Marine Tank

    50 gallons is the tank size? You could put 20 inches of fish maybe, I would ask in the marine section of this forum. The difference he meant was that in tropical tanks you can stock a load of fish where as marine you have to stock much lighter.
  39. F


    :/ Actually in a bigger tank jewels and cons can exist peacefully, somewhat, sev. Freddyk its ok, thank you for saying that tho most people rant and just leave it be.
  40. F

    4ft Tank Decisions

    Very well said. I agree with the loaches. :D