It does work. However the foam he is using must be very stiff because in my experience it is much easier to use frozen foam.

What I mean by this is that when you are trying to place a hole in the foam it collapses under pressure. If you get the sponge wet first and freeze it for roughly a half hour to an hour it will then be stiff enough to poke a hole in. I also prefer to use a drill bit for this but you can use a knife or whatever.

This is commonly used in breeding tanks with air stones for lift..

Another use for this is the prefilter for and Under gravel Jet System using a Powerhead. I wrote a How To on the UGJ found here.
Owuldnt buying a sponge filter be the easier route though? They arent that expensive.
This is what I mean... Also, even though it might be about the same price.. building vs buying.. when you build your own filters you can design them to the specs you want, not what they are designed for from the store. Several of the nicer varieties of sponger filters cost a pretty penny as well.

Sponge Filter

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