Whats preventing you from...

My limiting factors are space, money, and my wife. I would really like to have a 55 gal all female betta community with some bottom feeders. Maybe when we finally are able to buy a house and get the he^^ out of this matchbox apartment, I might be able to talk her into it....
Space - beleive me if i had a bigger room i would get a 100gal tank. complete with a stingray.
I live still live at my mums, and ive already got a reef tank in the bedroom and discus tank in the living room, so i need my own house, more money.

My dream tanks will be a massive reef tank, 6 footer discus tank plus african cichlids tank, with a fish house for breading all cichlids.
Thats all i want a the minute but i love marine fish and cichlids plus im starting to like killies and tetra so i would not mind breeding them too.

What i really want is the above and some one to clean all the tanks for me!!!!

As i would not have the time.
Well for me it is time and money and the wife.

She's not all bad as she did let me build a fish house in the back garden witch contains 32 - 4' and 16 - 5' aquariums. It took a year and £10000 pounds but for me it was worth it.

Next project is a tropical pond built round the patio going to be large too about 120sq foot and containing 1500 gallons of water.

I hope to be able to recreate a South American Black water stream environment as closely as possible and to do this will mean going to Peru to have a close look at streams there and hopefully catch and bring back the fish. I am lucky that i know a fish exporter there who regularly goes on fishing trips himself and is also English.

I hope to start in the next couple of years fingers crossed.
I cant have my tank cuz im poor, and i live with my parents. I am 15 though....
My dream setup would be a 10ft by 4ft by 3ft high aquarium. I would put like... arowana's in it and some large catfish. Some huge bichirs too. Also, id want an 8ft by 3ft by 2ft tank for peacock bass :D . Another problem, WATERCHANGES!
With us it's money and space.

My house is only 15 feet wide and 50 feet long, but we have eight tanks, seven cats and an indoor aviary all stuffed into it.

If we had a nice big house and loadsa money there'd be no stopping us!
^Theres a local fish store near my house that had a sting ray.....roumurs say that it got to big for the store, but they spent alot of money on it and were detemend to sell it-whatever the cost. So the humaine society came in and took it. :dunno:
Roumours are romours.
I'd like a 500G with a sting ray someday.......either that or a couple of giant gouramis :kana:
Money is def. a big factor for anyone I think; I mean, dang, who would have thought a pet that doesn't need a fence, vet visits, vaccines, registration, or toys could be so bloody expensive! I have 8 five-gallon tanks, a 10, and 30, and the filter cartriges alone make me cringe. Not to mention the medical expenses since I'm seeing that "rescued" fish brought back from the brink of death seem to end up with chronic issues. Blech. This is why I'm getting out of fish; as they die, I'm revamping the tanks for Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches B)
Only space and a bit of ground.

Once I move I'll almost instantly start work on a 6,000 gallon giant catfish pond, but it just isn't quite practical in a maisonette on the 2nd and 3rd floors -_-

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