I Thought Katrina Was Bad....


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
oviously i was wrong


too soon? -_-
I wasn't making a joke out of the Katrina Catastrophie.
I was making a joke out Bush....but who doesnt?

geez people, god forbid we joke, its time to pack it in and get over it, the world isn't comeing to an end. if we weren't at war and lost over 2000 of our guys, these hurricanes wouldn't even make the news. bush just needed sumthing to make us look the other way. for a man of few brains he sure has made fools of us all.

DD, i saw that on tv too, made my day :lol:
I dont see why there is problem with bush, he isnt a bad president, actually I think he is a good president, but think what you want.
I didnt say Bush was bad, i never said he was good, i just saw this thing on TV and thought it was funny, got a problem with? If you do, PM me and i will sort it out.
I wasn't making fun of katrina and the sad disaster that happened.

If you want to ruin a thread, maybe PM the starter first.

maybe this is why GT is never coming back
lol, Im lost for words...... DD it wasnt what you said, so clam down, it was somewhat funny.
That is funny....poor timing MAYBE but funny. I personally voted for Bush (regret it a lil) but firmy believe that getting rid of Saddam was a good thing and support all of our brave troops (come pf whom are personal friends of mine).
Oh boy, when you post threads like this, you should put "republicans Beware" so we know ahead of time to get ready.
but I'm not turning this into a political debate.
But, just out of curiousity, why do austrailians care about OUR presedent?
Gosh, just because we're "The worlds only superpower" doesn't mean we're royalty, and it also doesn't mean we can/should be made fun of.
I am truly sick of polotics, seriously.
The only funny thing I've every said about polotics was in class one day while we were talking about who would run after John kerry. My teacher thinks that Hillary Clinton is going to run so I said
"Really, the last thing this world needs is another HITLERy."
Didnt/dont you read threads Ethos? Cause im sure you do.

DD just said, a few posts above, he DOESNT care about Wubya. DIRECT QOUTE FROM DD "I didnt say Bush was bad, i never said he was good, i just saw this thing on TV and thought it was funny"

Miagi! :)
why do austrailians care about OUR presedent?

WHY? Because 90% of the world jumps when YOUR president says to. Because it is George Bush that put troops in almost every non-Americanised country in the world and makes it politically impossible for other countries not to. Because George Bush won't agree to the Kyoto protocol neither will Australias leaders.

THAT is why we care about your president.

Shall I continue?

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