Should I?


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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Recently my favorite fish died because of fin rot, my female ram. The other fish are doing fine, but I dont know weither or not to add another ram. My stocking is in my pro, so please no spam, "Whats the stock and tank size?" Im updating right this second, and yes I know the clowns need to be in a larger tank, pease nice posts that help, kinda just lost my favorite fish. My plan is the danio school should decrease by the end of this year, they are getting old, and the clowns should be in a new larger tank, so I hope that helps some.
I wouldn't do more then the 3 apistos in the first place in a two foot tank.
I’m not sure anyone can help you on that decision. You saw your tank function before, so you are well aware of just how stocked it would be with, and now without the second Ram.

I would wait for the Ram experts, but I’ve heard of fish who ‘mate for life’ (as I’ve been told many times Rams do) that once their mate dies, they will not accept another. If this is the case, then the new Ram you get will probably live a pretty frustrated life. There is plenty of room for error here though, as I’m not a Ram expert.

Let us know what you decide… and sorry to hear about your loss….
either sell the apistos and get a mate or sell the lone ram and leave the apistos.
Guys the cuckatoos and rams lived nicly together in my tank, there isnt any fueds, the only problem is the male betta which will be gone soon, Im fish sitting for a friend, he just had too many bettas and not enough tanks at the time. As for selling ethier or not really a case for me unless I see problems, and their hasnt been any, the cichlids in my tank are doing excellent. As for the mate situation, the male and female didnt like each other.
why bother asking if you dont listen?

there WILL be fueds in the future if you get another ram
i was ignorantwhen i started out with Dwarf Cichlids, as i thought they were peaceful. then one day, the one pair isdead and the surviving pair is bearly alive.
please listen, just because you cant see physical damage, it doesntm mean they arnt stressed out.

do it for the fish
Dwarf you make a good point. Its not that I wont listen its just a hard decision, they have growen on me, well the ram has but the cuckatoos are starting. Im going to sleep on it and think, idk what to do.
I'm sorry for your loss :( . I don't want to hijack, but no need for a double post. I have a very similar situation, I just lost my female ram of the mating pair, I was wondering the same thing, I feel so bad for the male as he's been looking for her. I've been debating if I should try and get him a buddy or if he'll just reject her. I've got a 3' tank but the male ram definately ran the tank before. He's been following my corys around, but his color is not as vivid as it was before. does anybody have experience with introducing a new female ram to a male? :dunno:

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