Steps to setting up

Hi S

I have heard of both of those Skimmer but dont know a lot about them, althought I think both were rated as excellant skimmers

The 2 I mentioned are German built, and you know how efficent the germans are


:D :D
I never have heard of these skimmers, might be hard to find where I live just cause its the states and not the UK. Ill make some calls tommarow see if I can find one, if not how about the Seaclone? Or any type of berlin skimmers? Or even red sea skimmers?
I did some research..the top protein skimmers used in the UK are the ones listed by Chac....most popular with nano-ers here are the AquaC Remora and CPR BakPak.

My dad knew how efficient they were...he was stationed in England during WWII as a pilot. Thanks. Frank
Hi S

IMHO I would saty away from both the Seaclone & the Prizm's as more than likely you will have to replace them in a matter of months as they are both S***

The Berlin Skimemr do get good write ups thought.


:D :D :D
I have both the Berlin and the Prizm. Both are very good if you know before hand what you want from them.

Prizms are great little skimmers if you want a skimmer that "underskims". For people that run 100% natural systems (like i did last year) I found this skimmer to be a great comprimise. It didnt take out all the living plankton i had in the water (from using natural seawater) and this in turn benefitted the corals and life on the liverock. It did take out some of the protiens and nutrients of course so i found it to be a good comprimise over a skimmer that really does take no prisoners on what it removes.

The berlin is good but to get the best results from it you need a really powerful pump to kick the flow through. Many people find that if they place low powered pumps on the berlins then its becaomes very innefficient. I have an extremly powerful pump on mine as i run Ozone through it and this really does seem to work wonders for the efficienncy of the skimmer.

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