
I got one have a look at my sig


:D :D :D :D
lol They are very nice looking fish. Think Im coming up with a stocking list
- 1 Flame angel
- 2 ocellarios or percula clownfish
- 1 firefish
How does it sound? Too much?
Hi...the Flame Angel is not really considered a good 'nano' fish. Some may be able to make it work, but:
1) they can be aggressive towards other fish
2) there is no guarantee that they are reef safe, ie, may nip at your corals
3) most importantly, they can reach 4 inches, that is large for a fish in a nano tank and, the possibility of overloading your system is a possibility unless it is alone or one other fish

I'm not saying that you can't do this nor that it couldn't work. But..in general..if you truly want to build a SAFE nano reef, not risk your livestock and corals, then this fish is not on the list of ones to consider. If you want one, make sure it is the last fish you add to your tank....the most aggressive species should go in last. Just MO. SH
No way, ive seen them full grown in big tanks and they really do get large.

4-5 inches may not sound alot but when you consider there body round body then its a definate no.

It would be like keeping a discus in a 20 imo a 3 foot tank mimumum
I would not recommend this fish for a 20 gallon. Of course, I have not tried it, but as stated above 4-5 inches is quite a bit for a 20 gallon tank. Especially if you plan on keeping 2 clowns and a firefish with it!!!!! That is very similar to my fish list for my 45 gallon tank.

Here is the link to Live Aquaria for the Flame Angel.
Whilst it is possible to keep a flame angel in a tank of this size, I personally wouldnt try it for aprolonged period especially when there are other alternatives. Dwarf angels really arent "that" small, a better fish for this would be a pygmy angel. These are far better suited for a nano and have great characters too!
Cherub Angel
Flameback Angel
These are both excellant additions to a nano.

Of course, Im not saying that a flame simply wont work, in the short term it probably will make a fine addition. However you must remember that it will eventually become the largest fish in the tank andwhen space becomes tight it "might" have a change of personality.
I know Ive looked up the flame angel. Well its ok, thanks for the alternatives Navarre.

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