Tropical Marine Tank


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
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Hi, i think i saw on here a while ago, a website where you enter in the size of your tank to find out the maximum amount of fish that can go in that tank.

Is there any sites out there that can do this for tropical marine?

Well yea,

Tropical Freshwater- rivers (S America etc)
Tropical Marine - sea (Caribbean etc)
Cold Water Freshwater - rivers (Europe etc)
Cold Water Marine - Sea (Wales etc)

The tank i am on about is 50gs
50 gallons is the tank size? You could put 20 inches of fish maybe, I would ask in the marine section of this forum. The difference he meant was that in tropical tanks you can stock a load of fish where as marine you have to stock much lighter.
Yeah, you dont just measure your fish either! lol. You have to know your fish and decide on compatability between species and whether thfish you choose is suitablke for the tank etc etc. :)
OK ok lets try and get some reasonable ansers here :/

I dont use the inches per gallon rule as i feel its a waste of time. A 4 inch trigger creates about 3 times more biowaste material than a 4 inch blenny!

So from this observation alone you can quickly see that the inches per fish is not a good calculator.

In 30 gallons you need to look carefully at the types of fishes you can have and what impacton the water they will make. Thankfully a 30 gallon tank cannot hold large biowaste type fishes like tangs triggers etc so this helps narrow down the options in your favour.

I wold say that with careful planning, a very good quality liverock and dligent water management you could safely keep 15 fishsmall blennies, gobies, small wrasse, pygmy angel, a few chromis and perhaps a couple of firefish. before you know it the tank is up to 12 or 15 fish.
I'm currently setting up a 45 gallon SW tank.

This is my fish wish list... this might even be too much:

2 Percula Clowns
1 Flame Angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Wrasse (either Six-line or Red Head Solon Fairy)
1 Goby (not sure which one)

With this fish list I am very close to (might be already) maxing out.

5 more gallons will not provide you with much more room than this.

Keep your fish small and few... You'll have a happier, healthier tank! :cool:
2 Percula Clowns
1 Flame Angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Wrasse (either Six-line or Red Head Solon Fairy)
1 Goby (not sure which one)

That is a pretty good mix.

The Clowns will hang out together in one section of the tank, The Angel will roam at will, and the others will mostly hang out around and in the rock.

Make sure you stack your rock with plenty of gaps for the Wrasse and Gramma to swim through.


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