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  1. S

    Updated Tank Pics

    looks great :D
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    thankyou i can now confirm my newest fish purchase is deffinatly a rubbernose, mine looks identical although he's about 2" in size, lovely fish there ill try get a pic of mine rubbish pic of my rubbernose
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    Will It Hold?

    id be inclined to say a house built in 1877 will be here in 100 years time where as a house built in 1977 probably wont be, as long as the floor boards arent rotten the oak beams will be as strong as any steel girders ;)
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    Tank Photos

    heheheh i likes shadows sleeping spot
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    What To Add!

    1 male guppy 2 female guppy and leave it a while :D
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    Is Geoff Blind

    just read in a book the royal plec can be a very clumbsy swimmer due to 3 rows of boney plates down either side of its body making it rather inflexible Geoff doesnt look like a royal but im sure the same apply's
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    Bulldog/rubbernose Plec

    moved the filter to the other side of the tank and angled it at the rock's he doesnt like the rocks............wont leave the filter alone though furiously sucking it all over, ill hopefully get a pic soon now he/she's settled in
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    Giant Gourami

    ooooh good excuse to visit nottingham :) not been for a while and its only up the road
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    Pfk Aquacube Designs

    totally new to this................whats the story? and ill be very intrested to see pics :)
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    Giant Gourami

    1kg doesnt seem much for the size of fish they were.......a good 2 feet in length nose to tail :drool: gruff looking pihrana big catfish/plec.......he/she was a good 2 feet in length huge pihrana in the same tank as the cat this is part of the old baths at matlock baths, a natural...
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    Random Idea

    this sounds like fun :rolleyes:
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    Giant Gourami

    the pair i saw were grey in colour but happily came to the front of the glass to say hello...........expecting food more than likely hehe
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    My Fish Mixture

    im not usually one to bear down on people overstocking or mixing dangerous fish as my tank runs like clockwork and ive never done a water test :blush: but the plecs can get huge the shark will get bog and agressive..........and eat its grandchildren :( sorry to be another bearer of bad...
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    Giant Gourami

    i was up in matlock bath a few weeks back and went in the aquarium.....fantastic and all for £2.50 (out of season) some real nice fish in there......i spotted a chinease alge eater and went "eek they getkinda big" i have one :) some mean looking pihra a massive plec.....and giant gourami...
  16. S

    Random Idea

    i recently aquired a rubbernose plec such a lovely fish but very timid and is intent on not letting me get a photograph just thinking about 1 way know the police have like 1 way mirrors in thingy ma jiggy rooms............interview rooms so say a chief constable is sitting...
  17. S

    My Corys Spawned - Hatching Now - With Pics

    such a shame theres only 1 survior best of luck with the second set ive only witnessed mine spawning once and my Ran's were clearing the eggs up as fast as the poor corry was depositing them i got a few into a spare tank but none hatched :(
  18. S

    Rams Not Getting Along Together Anymore

    i have 1 male and 1 female there bolouvian rams, forgot to mention that in the first post sorry :blush: he's not quite as nasty since i had a shift around hee'l swim out towards he at speed shee'l defend herself and he goes cowering off would it be wise to add another female i read they...
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    My Bolivian Rams Spawned!

    woooooooooooooooooo nice one good luck :D
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    A Few Of My Mbuna

    great pics and some real nice fish :D
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    Coconut Caves

    ill be keen to see some pics and hear som ideas too :)
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    Bulldog/rubbernose Plec

    ive read that too the temp was turned down a couple of degrees before purchase ive added an airstone and lowered the filter so theres more current at the base of the tank theres a number of large smooth rocks he likes to hide away under, he's poised behind the filter at the moment a very timid...
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    Rams Not Getting Along Together Anymore

    im guessing i bought my pair a good 3 months+ ago now they took a few days to settle in but were fine together never went near the other fish in any nasty sort of way but recently the males been hiding out in a terracota pipe and attacing the female when she swims by ive since removed his pipe...
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    Do I Have A Pair Of Blue Rams?

    first one is male the second is femal IMO ;)
  25. S

    New Ram Pair

    lovely pair there :D
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    Bulldog/rubbernose Plec

    thanks :good: he's still in hiding really shoots out now and then but likes to hide under the slate
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    Bulldog/rubbernose Plec

    thanks for the info you got some real nice plec's there mine cant be a pitbull as it was half the price of yours and just read this on PFK thanks to a link in the fish index, at least he/she should stay small(ish) that was my main concern
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    Algae Eater Needed/wanted

    ive got a golden alge eater great lil fish they do get big(ish) and can become agressive to others :(
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    Bulldog/rubbernose Plec

    well i was in the LFS today after a largish mid water fish then i came across some "bulldog plecs" had a chat with the lady in charge she recconed they grow to about 6" i came home with a bulldog now ive searched through the fish index and a few books at home and cant find anything on...
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    Albino Cories Spawned

    great pics, my cory's were relaxed and casual about the spawning compaired to yours
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    My Toilet Tank

    might put my smaller tank in the bathroom :)
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    Fish/reptile Room Project

    your garage is starting to look like a spaceship :D we had to buy some of that stuff while building the new house, not cheap check screwfix for it
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    German Ram Shots

    alot more colourfull than the bolouvian rams, wanna swap :lol:
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    Community Chiclid?

    a pair of rams should work, 2 males would fight though
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    i have a pair of boulovian rams there nice peaceful fish and never harm any of the other tank inhabitants, although they do quarell amongstest each other from time to time (male and female) they also follow your hand around the glass :lol: (simple things please simple minds)
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    Fish Can Be Seriously Bad For Your Health

    im vegaterian so im safe :)
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    First Fish Ever

    had goldfish and koi in outdoor ponds first first tropical fish were bronze corys
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    New Fish Suggestions?

    cory's ive got some rams there good too
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    1og Tank!

    cory's and tetras :good: