My 29 Gal And 10 Gal Tanks


Hi Kheng Hock, sorry to ask, do you know the name for the plant on the left of the above picture? I have that too but not sure its name.

I saw that blue-eye fish in my LFS too. It is beautiful, but not sure easy to rear or not so never buy. But I like it, it's eyes are like cystal. :)
Thanks again for the comments :D

Lucius: Sorry, my lfs does not state names of plants sold either lol. But the plants are all doing fine, even without co2 (planning to add a nutrafin co2 kit soon).

As for the blue eyed fish, it really does look like a rice fish. :( . But I think my lfs has its scientific name written on its tank. I shall go and write it down the next time I go there.


Finally got the identity of the mystery fish. It's Aplocheilichthys Normani, or commonly known as lampeye killifish. :D
Some updates on the 29 Gal.. :D :D

Added 6 albino corys, 8 algae eating shrimp, one lone male guppy my gf suddenly brought back and an otto. Rehomed all the platys and also 3 neons as well as a cardinal died. :( The mystery fish are doing very well though...

Bought some christmas moss as well as windelov java fern and attached them to the bogwood with cotton thread.



Front view of the tank


Left side


Right side


Another shot :D

I'm starting to like the setup, and I can't wait for the moss to grow and fill the bogwood up... Might get more java ferns.. What do you guys think? Should I attach more java ferns or other plants?

The neons and cardinals are starting to shoal together too. But the albino cories, although there are six of them, I have not seen them shoaling together yet. Is this normal?
My corys don't shoal as such, but they like each other's company. I think they feel must just feel safe enough to go around on their own, so no need to worry. I think the tank looks amazing with the plants how they are. Such a huge improvement since the first pictures, (not that they weren't great too) I just like the colours in this updated version.
I think your mystery fish are called lampeyes, i have 6 in my tank. they grow to max 4 1/2 cm.

hope that helps.
My corys don't shoal as such, but they like each other's company. I think they feel must just feel safe enough to go around on their own, so no need to worry. I think the tank looks amazing with the plants how they are. Such a huge improvement since the first pictures, (not that they weren't great too) I just like the colours in this updated version.

Thanks :D
I've added 6 more leopard cories into the 29 Gal, and they seem to shoal together more than the albinos. But I did see some of the cories lazing around together. Kinda cute.. :D :D

I do like the new look. :)
Any update pics for the nano tank?
Good job...;)

Thanks.. :D
The nano tank.. not much update, except that I took out the elodea and added in a female lyretail guppy, and transfered 2 albino corys from the 29gal to here. I currently have no plans to modify it, as I am concentrating more on the 29 gal. :/

I think your mystery fish are called lampeyes, i have 6 in my tank. they grow to max 4 1/2 cm.

hope that helps.

Thanks for the info. :D They're lampeyes alright, but unfortunately, there's only 4 of them now. My bad actually, left the syphon tube momentarily unattended while performing water change, and some of them must have got out. Good thing is that I syphon directly to a drain, which leads to a river. Bad thing is that the drain can also contain chemicals like soap and detergents. >.< Sorry!! I hope I don't get lampeye nightmares! The other fishes did not 'escaped' though. Only the lampeyes.

Many thanks again for the wonderful comments. They are very encouraging. :) :)
very cool tanks. I was told cardinals are not as easy as regular neons. I've seen your mystery fish and my LFS and will check out the name of it.

Hi Kheng Hock, sorry to ask, do you know the name for the plant on the left of the above picture? I have that too but not sure its name.
I saw that blue-eye fish in my LFS too. It is beautiful, but not sure easy to rear or not so never buy. But I like it, it's eyes are like cystal. :)

That's water sprite. It's a tall plant, if left to grow, that grows well in low light and sucks up a lot of excess nutrients in the water.

Hi Kheng Hock, sorry to ask, do you know the name for the plant on the left of the above picture? I have that too but not sure its name.
I saw that blue-eye fish in my LFS too. It is beautiful, but not sure easy to rear or not so never buy. But I like it, it's eyes are like cystal. :)

That's water sprite. It's a tall plant, if left to grow, that grows well in low light and sucks up a lot of excess nutrients in the water.

Thank you Sammie, I have some of it, it really grows very rapidly. Thinking of replace it with other plants. :)

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