Fish Can Be Seriously Bad For Your Health

Thanks for all the kind wishes.

The operation was a success and i have been flushed through with enough intraveinous anti biotics to fill a small bath tub, not to mention the boxes and boxes of tablets i have been given to take for the next week, i'll be rattling as i walk by the end of next week :lol:
ooo, you better make certain that none of those antibiotics will kill off your internal filter bacteria. :fun:

did you try to convince the doctor to just give you a prescription for Melafix? :lol:
And then when you've finished your meds, eat some carbon.
Or do you eat carbon every day anyway?

Ho hum, the debate continues :rolleyes:
Glad the op went well CFC :good: At least it wont affect your typing ability :p

Arfie ;)
Ye me to good to here your ok matey.
Bet the fish was laughing its head of watcing you from the big pond in the sky.
Better stick to tofu from now on :p And keep only guppies, they die too quickly to do any damage to anything.
:rolleyes: glad the op went well, and i hope you enjoyed your dinner. next time really try not to stab urself with a fish :D
I can understand exactly how u felt, i have been stabbed by red snapper fins many times as i am a part time fishmonger, its not very nice, and yes if u get it stuck in you you can get an infected finger, i have had a balloon sized thumb before and a few other people i know have too. Sea bass, sea bream and barramundi arent too nice either i tell you, red snapper is probably the worst though, they look so pretty though.... sods law that you get hurt doing dinner though, i work with sharp knives all day and never cut myself then one day i came home and cut myself on a tin of tuna lol
ooo, you better make certain that none of those antibiotics will kill off your internal filter bacteria. :fun:

did you try to convince the doctor to just give you a prescription for Melafix? :lol:

The ironic part, is yes actually antibiotics DO kill your internal filter bacteria. All sorts of unpleasant things start happening. Mostly with your digestive system. Vitamin K is made by friendly E-Coli in your large intestine. Antibiotics kill them. Take lots o' vitamins if you're on medicines.

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