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  1. Myuu

    Help Me Stock A 10gallon

    Dwarf puffers are pretty mean fish for their size. They're territorial and are messy fish. For a ten gallon, you could prolly put in 2, maybe 3 DPs. And they don't so well with tankmates other than bottom-dwellers like cories and otos. As for my experience with otos, the puffers didn't bother...
  2. Myuu

    Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha Nebraska

    Haha, I just was at the Henry Doorly Zoo the other day for a special event that they had. I got to walk on top of the aquarium x3 And the picture of the arapima doesn't describe they're size very well. Those things are HUGE, easily 6-7 feet long. And you didn't get any pictures of the lake...
  3. Myuu

    Driftwood From Lakes

    I figured I would be doing a lot of scrubbing if I wanted to use them, I don't want any lake-nasties in my tank, lol.
  4. Myuu

    Driftwood From Lakes

    Well over a year ago, I went to visit my brother in Texas. The time we went, Texas was having a really bad drought. We went fishing, and the lake we went fishing at happened to be down 11 feet. A TON of shoreline was exposed, and my eyes caught something; there was tons of wood on the shoreline...
  5. Myuu

    Henry Doorly Zoo In Omaha, Nebraska-lots A Fish Pics

    I feel lucky to be able to go to a fabulous zoo only about 20 minutes away. x3 I haven't been to the zoo in quite a while. I want to see the new butterfly exhibit. It's a shame that you didn't get through all the zoo. Oh, and the octopus was out. He's never out. o.o
  6. Myuu

    Question About Volume

    I might be getting a tank from my older sister soon; a nice 46 gallon acrylic bowfront tank with a stand and everything. But as I look at the tank, it just looks smaller the the 20 gallon long that I have now, which houses a pair of small goldfish. If I were to get the tank, I'd like to get just...
  7. Myuu

    Goldfish Eat On Java Fern?

    My goldies love to munch on java moss. But they won't touch the java ferns. Then again, for some reason I can't seem to grow java ferns very well. I wouldn't want to eat my java ferns either. >__> I'm guessing it depends on the fish.
  8. Myuu

    Goldfish And Sand

    Ah, thank you. I was pretty sure it was fine, but I just wanted to make sure. ;3
  9. Myuu

    Goldfish And Sand

    On another forum, I asked about using sand in goldfish tanks because I don't like gravel very much. Anyway, I might get a new tank from somebody and I'd put my goldies in it. But it really doesn't make sense to me that I can't use sand in my goldies' tank. My current goldfish tank is already...
  10. Myuu

    Tetra Whisper 10

    The impeller of my whisper 10 stopped spinnng. You can turn it a little bit, but then it gets caught on something. I read the instruction booklet's troubleshooting section and it said to replace the filter. I just wanted to know if there's anyway to not have to replace the filter. :/
  11. Myuu

    Would This Actually Work?

    Thanks for the replies! In the article, it states that the pH will drop because this taxes the carbonates. How would you supplement the carbonates so the pH won't drop?
  12. Myuu

    Would This Actually Work? I found this while browsing a goldfish forum. Would this actually work? It seems like something that's too good to be true. It's too easy...
  13. Myuu


    It would probably be better for the fish if you found someone with a pond. Commons get biiig and they like a lot of swimming room. If you were to keep the fish in a tank, and good size would be 30+ galllons.
  14. Myuu

    Just Thought I'd Share This

    Thank you for all the compliments. Perhaps later I can get some pictures of my other things, though they're not fish related.
  15. Myuu

    Just Thought I'd Share This

    I've been using fish in my pottery prijects at school a lot lately, so I though I'd share two of my things that are fully glazed. First up; My betta plate entitled "Betta Meyhem": Close-up of the double tail, it's my favorite one. :3 The other one is a fish bowl. I really don't like how the...
  16. Myuu

    Making Your Own Decor?

    You could try to make things out of clay, if you have the ability. I think you would have them glaze fired. I'm not sure if you would actually get to put glaze in it, though. I use some old pottery projects from school to weigh things dow in my tank, and those have been glazed. My school doesn't...
  17. Myuu

    Where To Get Java Moss

    I had to buy mine online.
  18. Myuu


    It sounds like you have black beard algae. You can google that for pictures. I think it's impossible to remove manually, so you'd need to toss the plants with and dry out the rocks? I bet somebody else knows more than me.
  19. Myuu

    Will Bettas Eat Snails?

    I've been finding empty snail shells in Condoriano's (my female betta) tank. The snails probably hitch-hiked on the plants from my main tank. She's especially gluttonous and likes to bite my fingers thinking I have food, I don't care, it just feels weird. And her eating is why I reconsidered...
  20. Myuu

    It Was.. Humongous!

    I'd say it looked like the giant african fan shrimp, but more yellow in color. I think I forgot to mention that the shrimps fans were still about the same size as the other shrimps'.
  21. Myuu

    It Was.. Humongous!

    I was shopping at Petsmart today with money I got from christmas, and I went over to the fish section and saw the bamboo shrimp. I saw a bunch of regular ones, but there were two gigantic shrimp that had fans like a bamboo shrimp. It was probably a little more than twice the size of the other...
  22. Myuu

    Coldwater Plants

    Ah, thank you.
  23. Myuu

    Coldwater Plants

    Ok, I'll put cabomba on my list of plants, I also wanted to get some for my tropical tank at home. Any other hardy plants?
  24. Myuu

    Coldwater Plants

    I know that plecs aren't really coldwater fish. I don't think I could get my teacher to move him :/ He seems big and healthy though. There is no thermometer, but by touch I think it's around 70-75 degrees, not sure though. I'll have to go buy a thermometer... And doesn't cabomba need high light?
  25. Myuu

    Coldwater Plants

    I am taking care of a fish tank at school and I wanted to add a splash of color with some plants. I need some hardy plants becuase it is a lo-tech tank and doesn't really have any plant stuff. I don't know what the lighting is atm, but I knoe it get some sun durring the day. DIY c02 isn't...
  26. Myuu

    75 Gallon

    They do remind me of those kinds of fish. I will get to take a picture in about an hour, but I won't be able to get on my computer 'til after school.
  27. Myuu

    75 Gallon

    I just got in charge of taking care of the zoology classroom's 75 gallon coldwater tank (of my own freewill). I get vollenteer hours for it. Anyway, I asked the species of the fish. The teacher in charge of the tank told me he thinks they're white crappie(9 of 'em), last year(I think), a student...
  28. Myuu


    On the top of the water? It's proably sludge. It's harmless, but you prolly don't have enough suface agitation. You can add an air stone and it'll be fine. As for cleaning the glass, inside or outside? Outside you can just use a cloth and water, inside you can use an algea scraper (make sure to...
  29. Myuu


    Oh yeah! Teacher said we could use the stuff to put food on. My teaxher even uses a mug he made for coffee. Sweetness.
  30. Myuu


    I'm not totally sure what you mean by foodsafe. My teachers hand mix their glaze. I'll have to ask them on tuesday. If it's not, I'll prolly buy my own glaze, or just not use glaze. Thanks!
  31. Myuu


    School has started again and I now have access to the pottery room. I thought instead of buying rocks, I could 'make' rocks. I know the only things dangerous in clay is silica, but that's only when clay is bone dry and you can scape dust off of it. After it's been fired in the kiln twice, it's...
  32. Myuu

    Stocking My 20 Gallon

    I did add the fish right away, 'cept catching the neons was really hard. Me and my sister had to tag-team to get them. I would LOVE some endlers if I could find them. I also can't seem to find female honey gouramis. I won't get more fish for a while, as my tank is pretty much bare. And I'm...
  33. Myuu

    Stocking My 20 Gallon

    I just got a twenty gallon long two weeks ago. I used my old filter, a penguin 100, from my ten gallon, and cloned another penguin 100 filter that a friend let me borrow. I wll replace the filters with a penguin 200 when I get the chance. I put my old stock in the new tank two days ago. (It is...
  34. Myuu

    This Cucumber Malarky

    I reccomend the algea wafers. I had a snail problem before and those affract snails easily. What you need to do is get small soda bottle and cut some holes in it (big enough for the snails), put 2-3 algea in the bottle and leave it in your tank for about two days. After two days take out the...
  35. Myuu

    Snail Shells

    Lowering is good. The water in my area has such a high pH. If it was gonna do something, I was hoping it lowered the pH. Maybe I could save those shells if I ever needed them in the future..
  36. Myuu

    Snail Shells

    Over the past three months, my dwarf puffer tank has gained a lot of snail shells from feeding my DP snails. Do the decaying snail shells do anything to the water? I only thought of that a few days ago. And I was wondering if I should pick them out or not.
  37. Myuu


    Thanks! You've been a great help. ~Myuu
  38. Myuu


    Sweetness. I prolly get one in a couple pf weeks to let my new fish settle in. Just curious, why not a dwarf?
  39. Myuu


    So what about a dwarf or honey gourami, like SamUK suggested? Would that be okay?
  40. Myuu


    By neon tetras? I thought neons weren't very aggresive... Oh well, no betta for meee..