75 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I just got in charge of taking care of the zoology classroom's 75 gallon coldwater tank (of my own freewill). I get vollenteer hours for it. Anyway, I asked the species of the fish. The teacher in charge of the tank told me he thinks they're white crappie(9 of 'em), last year(I think), a student found them in a creek. I looked up some pictures of the crappie and they just don't look like crappie. The fish in question are not as streamlined as pictures I looked up, and also not as big. I don't really know if they've been that size since they've obtained them. I'll have to ask my teacher tomorrow.

The tank also has a few freshwater clams, a few snails, and a pleco that is about 5 inches long(I think). I can't get a picture right now, or maybe not by monday becuase a) I'm not at school right now. B) The zoology room will be closed all day tomorrow for our lab practicle. and c) I might not have enough time left after I take the practicle durring my testing mod.

Also I was wondering about plants. I looked up some cold water plants and found plants like tiger lotuses and ludwigia. Any more ideas for plants? If the fish are indeed crappie, does the tank have any room for any more fish. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. Thanks in advance.
could they be a type of sunfish, maybe bluegill?
They do remind me of those kinds of fish. I will get to take a picture in about an hour, but I won't be able to get on my computer 'til after school.

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