Where To Get Java Moss


Fish Addict
Dec 30, 2006
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i didn't know where to post this thread but i was looking for it at every pet store i went into and even the places mainly for fish (RMS Aquaculture) didn't have any. i was hoping to get some for my "nursery" for the fry to hide in as well as for my two bettas. i figured that both of my bettas would be much happier with live plants than what they have now but i can't find it anywhere...

any ideas?
ahh that's what i was afraid of. i hate paying outrages shipping fees when the moss itself only costs $1-2.
I would send you some free as it grows like a weed for me, but I think it might die by the time it gets to you :(
aw thanks for the offer. i think i'll just keep looking around for floating plants in my area or cheap shipping fees. :D

and paulf, i love the siggy pic
i tried aquabid and shipping was insane when the plants were pretty cheap. i understand that's to insure it gets here alive, but it was still kind of high. and i heard that people had trouble with ebay fish-item sellers.
Shoot, I live in MI and just gave a handful away for free yesterday with some snails :( when I "mow the lawn" i'll see if there are enough clippings to send your way.
You don't need any type of "insurance" for java moss. It's a very tough plant and good shipper.
Tsi User - if you're sure =]. i wasn't expecting these offers, just tips on where i could get it. ^_^
dizzied - er i guess i worded that wrong. what i ment was the way that they ship it to make sure it gets to its destination alive. heh...
You can come to my lfs. They have enough to carpet your house. They have one guy who breeds and grows alot of the fish and plants for them and I think had been growing this moss for a year or so, there was tons of it. And the suprising thing is that the lfs has sold almost half of it in only about week.... crazy
You could probably ship it in nothing more than a sandwich bag and an envelope and it'll still be fine.

You can always ask your LFS though. Some will order it for you.

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