

Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I just wanted to know if I had any room to stock some more fish. Over the past week I had given my serpae tetras and chinese algae eater to my sister's husband because I didn't have room for a school of serpae tetras, and had learned that CAE do not make for good community fish. I have a ten gallon, by the way.

Anyway, yesterday I restocked it, adding 5 neon tetras and added 2 albino cories to the one that I kept. I was wondering if I had room for a "center piece" fish, something like a betta, maybe?
betta's get nipped quite often by tetra's ; just thought i'd say.

i wouldn't personally add anymore to your tank.

tetra's do nip, no matter what sort i think, yes they are not aggressive as such but a small shoal (bigger shoal less chance of this happening) often nip long finned fish for example a betta.

Sweetness. I prolly get one in a couple pf weeks to let my new fish settle in.

Just curious, why not a dwarf?
well lot's reasons really mainly my experience with them was not good, i know lot's of people keep them easily, put it this way i just couldn't get them to live more then a month in 30g tanks, they also get bigger than honey's are more aggressive i would say, they eat plants more and are generally more disruptive i think. and i think honey's look better lol.


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