Would This Actually Work?

It's the same as cloning, just using the waste off of the filter instead of the media itself. You will have better results cloning with cycled filter media. This is what I have done countless times.
I have 2 smaller cycled tanks 30litre and 75litre (with fish in them) and I am going to be setting up 3 foot tank on the weekend to start my fishless cycle.

Now because I can't get such a big amount of the greeny brown slush (that they use in the above noted article) what would you suggest I use from my current tanks to put into my new tank?

I hope that all made sense :huh:
What do you have for filtration & fish in the two tanks you are now running, and what do you plan on stocking the new tank with, as well as using for filtration?
oh and as for fish I am going to stock my tank with my Tiger Barbs from my 75 litre tank and I will also get some more Tigers to add,

and I'm not too sure if I am going to add anything else yet I will also have live plants in my tank :)

as for what filter I am going to use in the new tank I am unsure I posted a topic asking for advice what filter would you reccommend?
Thanks for the replies! In the article, it states that the pH will drop because this taxes the carbonates. How would you supplement the carbonates so the pH won't drop?

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