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  1. J

    The best way to buy an Aquarium

    cool cool, I picked up my 33 gallon w/ most guts (except filter) for $40 (CDN) including a decent stand....not bad eh
  2. J

    Cycling using goldfish...

    oh, it's perfect... I took out the goldfish and moved them to the 10 gallon (just them and a snail) so in my 33 I have 3 cories 3 Lake Kutubu Rainbows 2 Blue Ram cichlids 1 Pleco 1 Buenos Aires tetra
  3. J

    What is your favourite fish in your tank?

    My favourite fish in my tank are my 3 Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish they are good swimmers and really attack food when I put it in my tank they are also very peaceful and never give the other fish any hassle 33 gallon 3 Peppered Cories 2 Blue Ram cichlids 3 L.K rainbowfish 1 pleco (Gord) 1 Buenos...
  4. J

    Cycling using goldfish...

    when I cycled my "new" 33 gallon a few months ago, I planned on putting my tropical fish into it...and maybe filling their old 10 gallon with some cool looking goldfish and a snail or two ...anyway...I filled up my 33 gallon with tap water...put conditioner in..yadda yadda...then put the filter...
  5. J

    Who is your tank boss?

    The boss of my tank is my pleco (Gord)...he is only aggressive when other fish are in or near his cave...none of the other fish dare venture into his cave anymore though my Female Blue Ram chases the Male around, but I think they're just having fun ...and my rainbow fish are as dosile as a snail
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    Melanotaenia lacustris

    oh, it was icky nobody I asked knew what it was (the red blood clot deals)
  7. J

    Melanotaenia lacustris

    I'm thinking about it...either I'm gonna buy a few more or give it to my buddy who has 3 of them... I used to have 2 but one got some weird disease where there were red blood clot type deals all over the fish
  8. J


    You must be from Alberta I'm from London, Ontario, the heart of the ugliest portion of the country... hahaha yeah, ontario does suck but atleast there are jobs here zing...! Ps. Bettas rock
  9. J

    Which one?

    goldfish... easy to maintain... they can live in anything from your hottub to your toilet and they NEVER DIE that's if you have never done anything with fish before... if you have...cichlids...they are awesome
  10. J

    Melanotaenia lacustris

    I just added 3 Mel-lacs to my 33 gallon tank they kick ass, they are very colourful and peaceful...they go CRAZY when I drop some food in the tank and will eat anything...they really add some nice colour to the tank apparently they live up to 20 years if kept this true?? they are...
  11. J

    chips in tank

    is this chip on the side? the bottom? if it's on the side, there's no way in hell the bottom...maybe...if the chip is 1/2 as deep as the glass or more, then get it checked out, if not, don't worry about it glass is much stronger than you think
  12. J

    oi spotty!!

    pump the temperature to about 82...change 25% everyday don't put quick-cure in if you have plecs or Cories my g/f did that to her tank, both of them died and the ones that had ich didn't ...and cories also don't like salt, I don't know about plecs
  13. J

    Lake Kutubu Rainbow fish

    alright, thanks I will consider my decision with the information given to me I wish I had a 55 gallon... :/
  14. J

    Lake Kutubu Rainbow fish

    hi, I saw some wicked awesome L.K Rainbow fish at my LFS. From what I've heard they are the kind that don't require large shoals and I was thinking about maybe getting 3 or 4 for my 33 gallon community tank. It has a fair amount of water movement, it has about 7 medium sized plants, a log, and...
  15. J


    maybe the fish think YOU'RE ugly how can a human being say that a fish is ugly? can say that another human is ugly because you are a I guess what I'm trying to say is that fish and ONLY fish can consider other species of fish ugly They're all beautiful to me :D
  16. J

    Do different species of tetras school together?

    I know this is sorta unrelated but sometimes I catch my clown loach swimming around with my tiger barbs weird eh
  17. J

    Stupid Barbs

    I actually added 3 more barbs. I have 7 now They've been in for 2 or 3 days and I've yet to see a nipping of another species committed by a barb. Thanks for the advice.
  18. J

    Stupid Barbs

    33 gallons (long)
  19. J


    alright thanks I guess time will tell
  20. J


    I have a male and a female Blue Ram the female chases the male around often is this normal? my tank 33 gallon 1 Clown loach (more coming as soon as I get rid of ich) 3 Cory Cats 2 Blue rams 1 Red-eye tetra 1 Pleco 1 White molly
  21. J

    Are "SAE"s Siamese Algae eaters?

    you people and your "slang" terms and Acronyms a Siamese Algae eater is a "SAE" right?
  22. J

    White Molly is not so white

    ok, I have a female molly and I'm pretty sure it just had babies last night, I was out all night and didn't return until about 6 pm today and I noticed that my Tetra was chasing after a fry, (and then ate it before I could catch it) ...and in the hour or so, my molly has turned like...
  23. J

    Male and Female Blue Ram

    I have a male and female ram in a 33 gallon community tank I was wondering if it's best to just keep the 2 of them together or if I should get more males? or if I should get more females?
  24. J


    you'd need about 25 minutes on my microwave 800 W oh yeah!
  25. J

    Can bettas eat salmon or tuna?

    alright thanks next time I cook up some salmon I'll be sure to save some for my cat and my betta :cool:
  26. J

    Can bettas eat salmon or tuna?

    I know bettas are carnivores...and I know not to throw Red meat, pork or chicken in the tank but how about Salmon or tuna? I mean...they are fish
  27. J

    Tinfoil as a background

    Amerz DOES... well, it's a webcam, but whatev she is my gal :wub: I'll get her to take some pics and we'll post them
  28. J

    Cheap Aquarium Stand Ideas

    Milk crates!!!!!!!!!! 2 wide by 2 or 3 high for a 10 gallon they stack very nicely and are very strong and light. put a blanket over top of them, they are not very aesthetically pleasing. I have them 4 wide and 3 high on my 33 gallon (long). They are very strong and very cheap to free. You...
  29. J

    Tinfoil as a background

    No, because it doesn't act like a mirror it's just shiny
  30. J

    shopping list

    nevermind, you already have a filter wow I'm stupid :S
  31. J

    shopping list

    you don't want to use medicines for most bottom feeders (Corys, plecos etc.) they don't take it too well if you get ich in your tank (whitespot), just change 25% of the water every day, and keep the temperature around 80 degrees. that's what I have done in the past, it worked fine sure it's a...
  32. J

    Tiger barbs nippin' other fish

    sorry, I keep forgetting...I got them about 3 or 4 days ago
  33. J

    Tiger barbs nippin' other fish

    yeah, I have about 7 or 8 plants in my tank a hollow log and some caves made out of stones that i found outside (yes I did boil them before I put them in)
  34. J

    Tiger barbs nippin' other fish

    33 gallon long 3 Peppered cories 2 Blue ram cichlids 1 White molly 1 Buenos aires tetra 4 Tiger barbs 1 Pleco 3 Clown loaches
  35. J

    Tinfoil as a background

    I actually don't have a digital camera or a webcam so it may take a few days or weeks to get my film developed. but I will post some pictures in the not-too-distant future
  36. J

    Tiger barbs nippin' other fish

    ok, I have 4 tiger barbs...and they nip at the other fish and are really stressin' them out (esp. corydoras) I heard that adding a few more barbs may make them just nip at each other and not the other fish. is this true?
  37. J

    Clown loaches

    1 word, CUCUMBERS but take out the stuff that hasn't been eaten, or it will pollute they love cucumbers, atleast mine do plecos love them too
  38. J

    Tinfoil as a background

    yeah, I have tinfoil on the back of both of my tanks It's awesome I just taped it on makes the tank very bright but it has to be shiny side out
  39. J

    Cucumber and other such veggies are O.K for fish?

    cool, thanks :kana: i'll be sure to take out excess Cuke remains
  40. J


    you could keep your goldfish in your toilet and they'd be fine they are super-hardy and can tolerate almost any temperature although, if for whatever reason the temperature gets below 64 F (I think) they stop eating, it's like some sort of winter hybernation or something I had my goldfish in...