Who is your tank boss?

My blue araca atm cause hes the biggest in the tank , but one of my red zebras is always trying to take his thrown. very funny to watch seeing that the blue acara is 4 cm bigger and alot fatter, all he does is turn aroiund and the red zebra does the bolt :rofl:
The boss of my tank is my pleco (Gord)...he is only aggressive when other fish are in or near his cave...none of the other fish dare venture into his cave anymore though

my Female Blue Ram chases the Male around, but I think they're just having fun
...and my rainbow fish are as dosile as a snail
My tank has 2 bosses, the male Krib at one end, and the female Krib at the other.
My big platy in the 5 gallon. I can't wait to move him to the 10 gallon. It's not his fault he's aggressive, he's just impatient to get into a bigger tank :lol:
In my 55 it rotates between my curviceps, pearl gourami, and badis badis. The BB rules when he is ticked off (by serpaes swimming past his spot) and he turns bright red with black spots. We call him Badass Badass. The pearl rules at feeding and the cuviceps rules at all other times.
It depends on the day it seems, but basically it goes from the angel fish and the dwarf gourami. They seem to take turns chasing each other and at times the other fish.
Only my 50 gallon has a boss of the tank and that would definatly be my adult black angel, when it comes to breeding he bosses EVERYONE in the tank! (Except my black ghost ray for some reason, I guess he doesn't seem to harm black fish! :/ )
My silver molly, such a bully!! Mainly over food, but lately it's getting worse... hmm..
My pleco... strangely enough. She's (at least, I think it's a she) this tiny thing, maybe inch and a half. She swims up to the top and tries to eat with the rest of them... but if any other fish tries to go near her algae disk, she goes berzerk on them. She can scare them all. It's great
Well, in my 55 gallon, it has to be my male bristlenose.

In my 30, it is the freshwater lionfish.

In my 48 SW, right now it is a tie between the coral banded shrimp and the yellow tang.
Interesting and Fun thread!!

In my 55, it has to be by ALL means my 3 Spot Blue Gourami. He isn't mean except when it comes to the other fish fighting. Like CFC said about his arowana, my gourami " Kiki " will break up any and all fights.

In my 29 gallon, I will vote my BP. He can be a mean little cuss.


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