Cycling using goldfish...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
when I cycled my "new" 33 gallon a few months ago, I planned on putting my tropical fish into it...and maybe filling their old 10 gallon with some cool looking goldfish and a snail or two

...anyway...I filled up my 33 gallon with tap water...put conditioner in..yadda yadda...then put the filter on and let it run for a day...then I went and bought some goldfish (not comets, the nicer spotted ones) and threw them in my 33 knowing that they can live through anything

I left those fish in there for about 2 weeks on their own to get the algae levels up and such...I changed the water once a week (and continue to)...after the 2 weeks...I added my tropical fish (which at the time was 1 cory, 1 wh. molly, 1 clown loach, 1 pleco and 1 beunos aires tetra) into my tank...they were a bit shy for the first day or two, but were perfectly happy after that

since then I gave my loach to my friend (who has about 5 now) along w/ my molly

I picked up 2 more catfish
2 Blue ram cichlids and
3 Lake Kutubu rainbow fish :fun:

my tank is awesome right now, I will post some pics in a fwe weeks when I get my film developed (yeah, I'm still living in year 2000)
I'm addicted to my fish
oh, it's perfect...

I took out the goldfish and moved them to the 10 gallon (just them and a snail)

so in my 33 I have

3 cories
3 Lake Kutubu Rainbows
2 Blue Ram cichlids
1 Pleco
1 Buenos Aires tetra

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