Tiger barbs nippin' other fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
ok, I have 4 tiger barbs...and they nip at the other fish and are really stressin' them out (esp. corydoras)

I heard that adding a few more barbs may make them just nip at each other and not the other fish.

is this true?
Dont know if i can say its true that adding helps, i started with 8 months ago, and now only have 2 , to start with they were so vicious and caused nothing but problems, but since they have gone to only 2 there has been no trouble with each other or any other fish.

Whether it was a more aggressive nature of some of the other barbs and the 2 thats left are more dosile or just getting used to their tank mates im not sure. I previously read the same as you in that more meant less problems with other fish. I personally would not add more to my setup because i am happy and they seem happy with just 2 of them but thats not to say more is not better in your case.
Yes. More tiger barbs means that they will be worrying more about the other tigers and won't have time to harass the other species.

Did you recently add the tigers? Do you have plants and other hiding spaces? What other fish do you have in with them?

And tigers some of the best fin nippers. Some species just won't do well with them.
33 gallon long
3 Peppered cories
2 Blue ram cichlids
1 White molly
1 Buenos aires tetra
4 Tiger barbs
1 Pleco
3 Clown loaches
yeah, I have about 7 or 8 plants in my tank
a hollow log and some caves made out of stones that
i found outside (yes I did boil them before I put them in)
From the research I have done, they do better in shoals of 6 or more. They tend to chase each other instead of other fish that way. Having said that, I have had fewer with no problems, and sometimes they reign in terror in the tank with the correct number. I don't keep them anymore, because they are so different..........just like people. Just be careful, and provide plenty of hiding places.

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