Lake Kutubu Rainbow fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
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London, Ontario, Canada
hi, I saw some wicked awesome L.K Rainbow fish at my LFS. From what I've heard they are the kind that don't require large shoals and I was thinking about maybe getting 3 or 4 for my 33 gallon community tank.

It has a fair amount of water movement, it has about 7 medium sized plants, a log, and some stone formations that provide shelter.

I have
1 Clown loach (considering getting a few more)
3 Peppered Cories
1 Plec
1 Wh. Molly
2 Blue Ram cichlids
1 Red-eye tetra

is this tank suitable for this species of rainbow?

I used to have 7 tiger barbs, but I gave them to my friend because they were stressin the other fish pretty bad...esp. the cories
please please consider getting more clown loaches is suggested that they are kept in groups of at least 3.They get friend had one clown loach that thought he was a tiger barb until I brought him home and put him with my clown loaches. :)
chali said:
please please consider getting more clown loaches first.....
Clown loaches get quite big. I've heard anywhere from 6 - 18 inches. Keeping them in a tank that is too small probably limits their growth to 6", but that is not a good idea as that causes physical problems for the fish.
BTW, the rainbows you speak of look like my turquoise rainbows, and I love them. I'd say go for it but make sure your 33 gallon tank and bio-filter can handle the added fish. I think they'd be OK with the other fish. My rainbows tend to chase eachother once in awhile, but they leave the angels and the corys alone.

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