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  1. S

    guppy fry-nest to tank?

    they are about 1 cm ( inc tail )
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    breeding help

    i dont have a digital camera. :( but i have a fighting fish that looks the same as it. i thought it was the male :*) and the guy in the shop called the other a bronzed cory. ok new question - if it is a fighting fish, how do i breed it?
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    breeding help

    i may have the wrong name for them but they look like fighting fish.
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    guppy fry-nest to tank?

    they are nearly 3 weeks old now. i have 2 male 2 female guppys, a betta, and 3 peppered cory.
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    breeding help

    are you sure? where do i put it ? what is wrong with here? -_-
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    thinking of gettin betta

    one of my tanks crashed with my male beta in so i moved him into another tank with a bronzed cory in it (risky). they are all fine though and i have left him in. it all depends on the fishes personalities
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    guppy fry-nest to tank?

    i only have the one 15 gal tank and i am going to give the fry away when they are mature. how would i separate my tank?
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    breeding help

    i want to get my bronzed cory pregnant because she is cool. what do i breed her with and how. (im a newbie to breeding)
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    2 male 4 female guppies

    i sell my guppys to the local pet shop for a reasonable ammount. i sell all of my guppys and then buy new ones to stop interbreading- its a good bussiness :thumbs:
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    What is your favorite Livebearer?

    guppys are cool! i have a guppy whose tail is split in two. bit abnormal but he is stunning and can still swim
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    i had a tetra prime holiday block and took a big risk by leaving that in the breeder net with them, when i got back they had doubled in size and were perfectly healthy. it was a tetra prime block. good luck and happy hols
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    Pregnant Guppy

    i found that having a side tank was helpful, because the male wont disturb and you dont have to change tank and give her more stress. good luck
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    guppy fry-nest to tank?

    i havemmy guppy fry in a breeder net in the side of my tank but it is getting a bit crowded so when do i move them out?
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    Your bettas weirdest/cutest habit

    my bronzed cory has a screw loose and swims as fast as he can at my peppered cory but when they move he doesnt do anything and headbuts the floor. im worried about him :( that cant be normal
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    Betta Friends

    i have female guppys with my betta and they seem to be fine,dont take my word for it though i think i might have been lucky and i dont know huge ammounts.
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    Mini spawn fry adoption

    i want one. :drool: any chance of getting them in the uk? :(
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    dead guppy

    i have had my tank for 2 months now.
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    dead guppy

    my params are all brilliant and that is why i am confused. i have a 15 gallon tank i think, i keep 6 male guppies-now 5. a bronzed cory and three peppered cory.
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    Betta with WHITE lips! What a cutie!

    where do you bid for fish? i cant find anywhere. least not in the uk.
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    dead guppy

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    guppy fry. help

    thanks all
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    dead guppy

    one of my guppys just died and i dont know why. last night the guppy was at the top a bit longer than normal but that was it. what is wrong? :dunno:
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    guppy fry. help

    when do they get their markings? is it after weeks or months?
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    guppy beauty contest

    wow! that last one is awesome. i have one cool guppy but i have seen loads of them. i have seen an orange one like that but the others are good
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    guppy beauty contest

    i just want to see loads of cool guppys, :*) i see photos of normal boring ones. oh well.
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    guppy beauty contest

    send me your photos of your prettiest guppys and i will decide on the 10th of august who the winner is. i love guppys. :D
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    guppy fry. help

    i have the moss and they seem to like it but i am keeping them in the breeder still. will they be the colour of the father or not? am i able to tell which is the father? -_-
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    guppy fry. help

    the food is like little crystals but i have flakes now. how much of the little brine shrimp things -_- do i use?
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    guppy fry. help

    i have a breeding net i am keeping them in. my other fish are a bronzed cory, male fighting fish, 6 neon tetras,and 3 plec type things. Half of them were killed cos i didnt realise but i have about ten left. i have some middle and bottom fish food which im grinding up, is that ok?
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    guppy fry. help

    i thought i had all males but i got a female too who has now "given birth" if that is the right word. i dont know what to do because it has never happened before and i need a complete guide. like what food and PH?
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    tetras pregnant?

    they are the same but strange stomaches
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    cory and siemiese fighter fighting

    he meant for all of my fish :rolleyes:
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    cory and siemiese fighter fighting

    you should hear my mate, he suggests getting a tank and just thowing the fish in strait away with no filter because the fish should learn how to filter it themselves.
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    tetras pregnant?

    do i separate the females then? i have six male guppies, 3 inidentified plec type fish, a cory and a siemease fighting fish.
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    tetras pregnant?

    sorry about pregnant but what word do i use? what do i do now? do i get a side tank or "nursery" type thing or what?im a newby to fish breeding so i need taken through step by step
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    cory and siemiese fighter fighting

    im not stupid enough to actualy yank him. Thanks all.
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    cory and siemiese fighter fighting

    II have a bronzed cory and a siemiese fighter. The fighter goes towards my cory, lifts his fins and puffs out his cheaks. is this aggressive?
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    where has my cory gone?

    one of my corys managed to get out of the hole in the back of my tank where the cables for the heater and filter go. i didnt think corys could jump. look behind your tank.
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    tetras pregnant?

    I have 7 new neon tetras and i think 3 could be pregnant, they have strange shaped stomaches. i need to know the signs