dead guppy

any number of thins.
the most common cause is poor water conditions.
what are your params?
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and ph are the top four. What are the readings for them.? How long have you had your tank set up for? How big is your tank and how many fish do you keep in it??That is enough questions for now.
my params are all brilliant and that is why i am confused. i have a 15 gallon tank i think, i keep 6 male guppies-now 5. a bronzed cory and three peppered cory.
male guppies are very terrotorial.They will fight in such a small space and kill eachother.I had two in a 13gallon and one killed the other.They should be kept in a ratio of 1 male to two females to spread out any male agression.
Either that or you have very bad water or a desise

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